The Department for Environment and Water’s (DEW) South Australian Wildlife and Habitat Bushfire Recovery Taskforce has produced eight recommendations to help the State’s wildlife recover from the 2019-20 bushfires in its final report.
In a statement, DEW said the Government was currently considering its response to the key recommendations that were in the Taskforce’s final report, including advice relating to funding, collaboration and coordination in responding to bushfires.
Director of Conservation and Wildlife with DEW, Lisien Loan said the Taskforce was set up to provide advice and insights that supported the recovery planning and actions for the environment after the major summer bushfires of 2019-20, including habitats, ecosystems and wildlife.
Chairperson of the Taskforce, Felicity-ann Lewis said the recommendations would inform planning for the recovery of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems after bushfires.
“This report contains eight key recommendations that are the eight direct actions the Taskforce agrees are needed to realise improved outcomes going forward,” Dr Lewis said.
She said the key recommendations included seeking uplift in funding classifications to provide increased opportunities for environmental recovery; creating environmental datasets to enable rapid risk and impact assessments for wildlife recovery following disasters; boosting investment in research and science to improve the understanding of climate change effects on natural environments; and implementing the 18 recommendations of the Wildlife Welfare Response Working Group.
They also included developing a ‘ready to recover’ model of preparedness at State and regional scales; creating a role for an authentic and authoritative communicator on wildlife and habitat; influencing the Planning and Design Code to ensure hazards are considered appropriately; and ensuring clear and appropriate guidelines, training and support regarding management of native vegetation.
The Taskforce’s 47-page Final Report can be downloaded at this PS News link.