The retired Supreme Judge reviewing the Queensland’s Public Service’s whistleblowing laws has released an issues paper and invited public submissions to assist him with the assignment.
Charged with the task of strengthening Queensland’s Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (PID Act) and further safeguarding whistle-blowers, retired Supreme Court Judge Alan Wilson KC has invited people to contribute to the process.
Welcoming Mr Wilson’s call for comment, Attorney-General, Shannon Fentiman said the submissions would be valuable resources for improving the PID Act and Queensland’s integrity framework.
“The PID Act facilitates the reporting of wrongdoing in the public sector when it is in the public interest to do so, while also providing protection for those who make reports,” Ms Fentimen said.
She said the review would examine whether protections for whistle-blowers were appropriate and effective as well as the appropriate role of the Queensland Ombudsman and other relevant entities.
Ms Fentimen said the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman was the oversight agency for the PID Act and under the Terms of Reference for the review, Mr Wilson is to consider issues such as:
* Whether the objects of the PID Act were valid and being achieved;
* The roles of the Queensland Ombudsman and other integrity bodies for public interest disclosures;
*Education and training about the PID Act in the public sector;
“Reviews and developments in other jurisdictions which represented good practice; and
*Whether the PID Act was consistent with the Human Rights Act 2019.
“Mr Wilson’s review is expected to be completed by 30 April 2023,” Ms Fentimen said.
She said submissions would be accepted until 5pm Friday, 24 February.
Further information about the review, including the 28-page issues paper and how to lodge a submission, can be accessed at this PS News link.