Alicia Adamczyk* says it’s important to ask questions at every point in a career to ensure it is progressing towards long-term goals.

Photo: Vladislav Babienko
When you’re going about your day-to-day, it’s easy to put important questions about your career — what you really want to do, how you get there — on the backburner as you complete the tasks you need to get done now.
And who wants to think about work in the few hours we have off?
Getting lost in the daily to-dos means you can miss the bigger picture, and not progress toward accomplishing your larger goals.
So make some time to answer the following questions, depending on where you are in your career.
Entry level
What do I want to be good at?
This is a version of “what’s your passion?”, except that it takes the money-making part of the equation into account.
You need to work, and more likely than not your job won’t be your “passion” right out of the gate, but there’s always room to grow.
So nail down what it is you actually want to be good at.
As Allison Jones writes for Fast Company: “You need to think more concretely about your motivations, needs, skills, and what you’re willing to do — or give up — in order to find that great opportunity.”
Then ask how the organisation you’re working for (or considering working for) will help you grow.
HubSpot’s Katie Burke writes for Fast Company: “How does the team you’ll be working for plan to grow in the coming year, and what do the prospects look like for growth for the broader organisation?”
What skills do I need to be good at?
Once you decide what you want to be good in your career, ask yourself what skills you need to succeed.
“Figuring out the skills we want to use and develop and the work we’d like to do takes time and experimentation, but it’s a far more practical way to get closer to what we actually want out of our jobs,” writes Jones.
Once you’ve zeroed in on actual skills you want to attain, you can work toward them and hopefully avoid some of the directionless-ness and misguided purpose some of us feel early in our careers.
What can I do to position myself in the best place possible?
When you’re new, it doesn’t matter much what you accomplished in university or internships.
Now’s the time to actually prove yourself and set yourself up for success.
And if you start thinking about that early on, it will be easier to do.
What resources does your employer offer for ongoing education?
What networking opportunities can you take advantage of?
Is there a manager who could become a possible mentor?
Even if you have a crappy first job, there will always be things you can learn and people you can leave a lasting impression on.
What role does work play in my life?
Jones goes on to say that it’s perfectly OK if work isn’t your passion and is just a means to an end.
Ask yourself what role you want it to play in your life.
You don’t have to figure this out as an entry-level worker, of course, but it’s a good question to ponder before you move further up the food chain or have a family.
What tasks invigorate me, and what tasks drain me?
After you’ve been working for a while, you’ll have a good sense of the types of assignments that energise you and those that deplete you.
Maybe you enjoy research, but loathe client meetings.
Maybe it’s the other way around.
Whatever the case, if you nail down what you actually enjoy (or at least, don’t mind), you can use that to inform your progression.
Do I want to be a manager?
This plays into the first question, but deserves it’s own heading.
Now’s the time to decide if you want to be a manager, and, if so, the steps you need to get there.
Also consider what sacrifices you will have to make in other parts of your life to make it work, if any.
On the flip side, it’s totally fine to not want to be in management.
So be honest with yourself and what you want.
Am I progressing in my career the way I imagined I would?
Once you’ve settled that, you can reflect on where you are in your career and where you’d like to be.
Are you happy with your current trajectory?
Is the path you’re on still the one you want?
If not, it’s time to recalibrate.
Is this career allowing me to do what’s important?
Is your career giving you enough money, time and flexibility to do the things in your life that are more important than working?
Now’s the time to reflect on what’s important to you, and whether or not you to need to change your life around a bit to focus on those things.
Senior level
In what ways can I still grow?
Just because you’re at the top doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement.
Once you’ve made a name for yourself with the skills you zeroed in on in your early days, you have the opportunity to keep learning and growing, all with slightly lower stakes.
Ask yourself if there was something you wished you were good at, or if there’s another industry that’s appealing?
What legacy do I want to leave?
Later in your career, reflect on what you’ve done and in what ways you’ve helped others.
Were you a mentor?
Did you want to be?
Consider your reputation and what you want to leave behind when you retire.
It’s never too late to leave a lasting, positive impression.
* Alicia Adamczyk writes about money for Life Hacker. She tweets at @AliciaAdamczyk and her website is
This article first appeared at