A performance audit into whether the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) and Sydney Water have effectively progressed water conservation initiatives in Greater Sydney has found that neither effectively investigated, implemented or supported water conservation initiatives.
In her report, Water conservation in Greater Sydney, Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford says the Agencies did not meet key requirements of the 2017 Metropolitan Water Plan and that Sydney Water had not met all its operating licence requirements for water conservation.
“There has been little policy or regulatory reform, little focus on identifying new options and investments, and limited planning and implementation of water conservation initiatives,” Ms Crawford said.
“As a result, Greater Sydney’s water supply may be less resilient to population growth and climate variability, including drought,” she said.
“The Department has not undertaken an annual assessment of Sydney Water’s level of investment in water conservation against water security risks and the capacity to respond when drought conditions return, as required by the Metropolitan Water Plan.”
Ms Crawford said Sydney Water had been ineffective in driving water conservation initiatives, delivering detailed planning and resourcing for ongoing initiatives or increasing its investment in water conservation during the drought.
“These were requirements of the Metropolitan Water Plan,” she said.
“The Department and Sydney Water did not put in place sufficient governance arrangements, including clarifying and agreeing responsibilities for key water conservation planning, delivery and reporting activities.”
The Auditor-General recommended DPIE develop a clear policy and regulatory position on water conservation options; improve governance and funding for water conservation; and work with Sydney Water to assess the viability of water conservation initiatives.
She also recommended improvements to Sydney Water’s planning for and reporting on water conservation, including the transparency of the information.
The Auditor-General’s 41-page report can be accessed at this PS News link.