A television program featuring a documentary series of the stories of shipwrecks along the Western Australian coastline is to premiere on the Disney+ TV stream in a few months ahead.
Welcomed by WA Minister for Culture and Arts, David Templeman, the program is the first Australian documentary to be commissioned by the entertainment company and will feature a team of ocean adventurers exploring one of the planet’s most remote and spectacular landscapes to bring lost shipwreck secrets to viewers.
Managed by Shipwreck Hunters Australia, the series is supported by the Western Australian Screen Fund, Screenwest and Lotterywest and is expected to showcase WA to an international audience and create jobs and opportunities for locals across the State.
“I know many Western Australians will be keeping an eye out for familiar locations and landscapes when they tune in to watch this incredible series,” Mr Templeman said.
“The scenery featured off Western Australia’s coastline is such a unique landscape and will fascinate audiences.”
WA Director/Producer of the project, Brendan Hutchens of VAM Media, teamed up with professional divers and underwater filmmakers from Terra Australis Productions to bring the long-lost shipwreck secrets and new discoveries to the TV screen.
The six-part series was announced as one of nine Australian originals at The Walt Disney Company ANZ Local Content Announcement event at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney last week (20 May).