Four new COVID-19 testing clinics are to open across the State this week as WA Health continues to boost its response to the pandemic.
The new clinics will be located at Armadale, Rockingham, Midland and Joondalup.
WA Health said clinic staff will conduct tests, provide information on the virus and refer people for appropriate treatment if required.
It said the clinics would operate from 8am-to-8pm, seven days a week and be staffed by doctors, nurses and administrative staff following strict infection prevention protocols.
It said COVID-19 clinics were already in operation at Royal Perth Hospital, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Bunbury Health Campus in the South-West.
Minister for Health, Roger Cook said the clinics were not intended to replace the medical care available through GPs or at hospital emergency departments.
“These additional clinics will assist us to have a clear picture of the incidence of COVID-19 in the community and to rapidly diagnose and care for people who are at higher risk of more severe illness with the advice and treatment that they need,” Mr Cook said.
“The current COVID-19 testing regime in Western Australia is in line with national guidelines but I have asked the WA Health Department to review this and determine how we can accommodate broadened criteria to test more people.”
The Minister said WA Health had been working closely with Federal health authorities to increase the number of pathology testing kits, reagents and swabs available to cope with a surge in demand.