Victorian motorists are to see major changes to VicRoads’ systems in the months ahead as the State signs a 40-year joint venture to modernise the Agency.
Announced by Treasurer Tim Pallas, the VicRoads Modernisation process is to be delivered by a consortium of Aware Super, Australian Retirement Trust and Macquarie Asset Management.
Mr Pallas said the process would bring upgraded customer service systems, better Custom Plates services and user-friendly registration and licensing, while protecting the jobs of existing VicRoads employees.
“The joint venture is a 40-year partnership in which the Government retains ownership of VicRoads, while generating $7.9 billion in upfront proceeds for the State, which will be invested in the new Victorian Future Fund to help manage our pandemic debt,” Mr Pallas said.
“Continued ownership of VicRoads by the Government will ensure control over regulation and policy, data and privacy provisions and pricing of essential fees, with information to remain secure and stored in Australia,” he said.
“Independent integrity bodies, including the Victorian Ombudsman and the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner, will continue to provide oversight.”
Mr Pallas said immediate changes under the Modernisation process would see learner and probationary licences, as well as online testing, become free of charge, saving aspiring drivers and riders up to $51.40 in fees and probationary drivers up to $133.30.
“Safe drivers who have not incurred demerit points or committed road safety offences in the three years prior to their licence expiring, will be rewarded with the reintroduction of a 25 per cent discount on their licence renewal,” the Treasurer said.