The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has released the draft Veterinary Practice Bill 2020 for public comment.
The legislation is aimed at modernising veterinary practice in the State, updating regulation of the professional standards and registration of veterinarians, veterinary nurses and veterinary premises; and repealing the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960.
Minister for Agriculture and Food, Alannah MacTiernan said national recognition of veterinarians registered in other Australian jurisdictions and deregulation of ownership of veterinary practices were key provisions of the Bill.
“Other provisions include the new constitution and membership of the Veterinary Practice Board of Western Australia, which will replace the Veterinary Surgeons’ Board of WA, and Board powers to handle impairment and minor disciplinary matters,” Ms MacTiernan said.
She said a consultation paper summarising key provisions of the Bill had also been developed by the Department.
“Significant advances have occurred in veterinary services since the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960 was passed 60 years ago,” the Minister said.
“A new Act is needed to meet current and future requirements in the provision of veterinary services.”
She said veterinarians, veterinary nurses, animal health service providers and consumers of veterinary services were particularly encouraged to submit their views.
“Comments received will ensure the Bill introduced to Parliament is informed by a wide range of perspectives and reflects contemporary expectations of veterinary professional standards,” Ms MacTiernan said.
Written submissions close on 24 June.