The Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman has released updated flood maps for the Territory saying they provide the most comprehensive flood risk information ever available.
Mr Gentleman said the updated maps showed that Canberra was well planned for managing riverine floods and had a low likelihood of flooding resulting from rivers or creeks bursting their banks.
“The maps identify which areas are more likely to be flooded during a major flood event, known as a one per cent Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood, which was previously referred to as a one-in-100-year flood,” Mr Gentleman said.
“They include comprehensive information on the probable depth and relative hazard of the water during a one per cent AEP flood, down to the individual block level.”
He said fewer than 200 buildings across Canberra, and elements of some public infrastructure such as roads, were at potential risk of flood damage during a one per cent AEP flood.
“Letters have been sent to all residents and businesses on blocks that have some risk, and there is a phone line for enquiries (13 22 81),” the Minister said.
“While the likelihood of riverine flooding in the ACT is low, the maps will be important in helping plan the city and potential mitigation actions, and helping the community better prepare for potential riverine flood conditions.”
The maps can be accessed at this PS News link.