The Hatchery’s 3rd Annual Child Centred Approaches to Ending Family Violence Conference will convene senior leaders and practitioners from across the sector. Photo: File.
Child Centred Approaches to Ending Family Violence
Location: Online
Time: All day
Online: 31 October 2023-01 November 2023
Email: [email protected]
Overview: It is pivotal that children are heard, empowered and considered from crisis through to recovery
The Hatchery’s 3rd Annual Child Centred Approaches to Ending Family Violence Conference will convene senior leaders and practitioners from across the sector with the purpose of driving sustainable, lasting change by putting the voice of children, their rights and needs at the centre of support delivery. You will have the opportunity to discuss the current challenges facing the sector, explore practice responses that integrate the voice and lived experiences of children, unpack strategies for improving cross-service collaboration, and ensure that service support is designed intersectionality and inclusive in nature.

Psychological Safety Toolkit for Managers & Leaders
Prioritising wellbeing – A practical guide for managers and leaders on navigating psychosocial risks
Location: Online
Date: 31 October 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:30pm
Email: [email protected]
- Define a leader’s role in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment
- Identify psychosocial hazards, red flags and warning signs within your teams and organisation
- Discover the direct correlation between professional success and mental health
- Practical strategies and tools to build a high-performance workplace by prioritising your team’s wellbeing
Speaker: Kevin St Mart
Kevin St Mart is a workplace mental health expert with over 23 years of experience in work health and safety and is a consultant for the Opus Centre for Psychosocial Risk. With qualifications in Business, Injury Management and Training & Assessment Kevin has a well-rounded understanding of best practice management of mental health in businesses of all sizes.

NSW Public Sector Grades 9-10 Data Literacy Workshop
Location: Online
Online: 31 October 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Overview: Influential data literacy skills for non-data professionals
- Understand how good data translates into effective outcomes
- Collect and analyse robust data
- Learn how to manipulate data and select the most appropriate medium to visualise data
- Inform team decisions through comprehensive analysis
Speaker: Rabia Khan
Rabia Khan is a public health and data specialist with over 20 years of experience in the health sector in roles spanning across Australia, New Zealand and Europe. She has extensive experience in improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities through better use of data and evidence. She helps people to do more good, make better decisions, and increase their impact through meaningful change using data and evidence.

Defining Success & Measuring Regulatory Performance
Location: Online
Date: 14-15 November2023
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Overview: An unparalleled learning opportunity
During this two-part seminar we will be discussing the meaning of “success” in a regulatory environment and the associated challenges of performance measurement and management. Professional regulators and law-enforcement officials certainly deal with customers, and so the normal range of customer-service metrics has some relevance for them. But their principal business is to deliver protections to society against various classes of harm, and towards that end they deliver and, where necessary, enforce obligations, influence behaviours, and manage compliance. The nature of “success” to be pursued and assessed is therefore quite different in the “protective” role of government than in service-provision roles.

EL1 & EL2 High Performance & Leadership Workshop
Location: Online
Date: 14-15 November 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Overview: Deep dive into the essential skills to become a key decision-maker
- Evolve into a strategic decision-maker
- Build high-performing, autonomous teams
- Influentially engage stakeholders on complex and sensitive issues
- Leverage adaptable leadership to prosper in times of change
Speaker: Martin Brooker
Martin Brooker is a veteran of 37 years service as an officer in the Royal Australian Navy. His extensive career included command at sea, and operational service in the Middle East, Afghanistan and the Pacific. He retired from the Royal Australian Navy in March 2015 with the rank of Commodore.
Now Founder and Director of the Quench Group, Martin specialises in helping individuals and organisations realise their potential through personal and organisational change.

Professional Writing Essentials for Government
Location: Online
Dates: 16 November 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Overview: High Impact toolkit to transform your writing skillset in government
- Make your written communication more impactful and engaging
- Write with confidence and build skills to write clearly and concisely
- Understand common writing mistakes and how to avoid them
- Plan and tailor your writing to your audience
Speaker: Adrian Cropley
A certified strategic communication management professional and past global chair of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), Adrian Cropley is widely recognised as one of the world’s foremost experts in strategic communication. He is the founder of the Centre for Strategic Communication Excellence and CEO at Cropley Communication. With a career spanning over 30 years, Adrian has worked with clients all over the world on major change communication initiatives, internal communication reviews and strategies, professional development programs, and executive leadership and coaching.

APS 5-6 Data Literacy Workshop
Location: Online
Date: 16 November 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Overview: Influential data literacy skills for non-data professionals
- Understand how good data translates into effective outcomes
- Collect and analyse robust data
- Learn how to manipulate data and select the most appropriate medium to visualise data
- Inform team decisions through comprehensive analysis
Speaker: Rabia Khan
Rabia Khan is a public health and data specialist with over 20 years of experience in the health sector in roles spanning across Australia, New Zealand and Europe. She has extensive experience in improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities through better use of data and evidence. She helps people to do more good, make better decisions, and increase their impact through meaningful change using data and evidence.

9th QLD Women in Leadership Summit
Location: Hotel Grand Chancellor Brisbane
23 Leichhardt St, Spring Hill QLD 4000
Date: 20-24 November 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Overview: Embrace influential leadership for lasting impact
- Learn how to build authentic connections
- Develop effective communication and influence
- Explore strategies to build resilience in the face of challenges
- Build inclusive and empowered teams
Among several speakers will be Nicole Mortimer, Head of Product Governance & Customer Remediation, Bank of Queensland; Krista Adams, Deputy Mayor, Brisbane City Council;
Barbara Van Heerden, General Manager, Major Projects, SEQ Water; and Anjuna Singh, Division Executive Director, Passenger Transport Contracts, Translink, Department of Transport and Main Roads QLD
Speaker: Krista Adams

Mastering Difficult Conversations & Feedback Masterclass for Public Sector Leaders
Empowering you to have more genuine, effective & constructive engagement within your team & organisation
Location: Canberra, ACT
Date: 21-22 November 2023
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Overview: It’s daunting holding challenging conversations and delivering difficult (but important) feedback.
All managers and leaders need to conduct difficult conversations at some time or another. It’s an important, although uncomfortable, learning curve for all emerging leaders.
It’s not surprising most of us have the tendency to avoid potential conflict. It’s human nature. Difficult conversations are tricky, but they cannot be avoided.
It is essential for leaders to have the confidence to identify and manage problems at work early on, before they escalate. Without the confidence to navigate difficult conversations, leaders may find themselves avoiding or delaying and actually perpetuating the problem. Generally speaking, this leads to more frustration, internal confusion and resentment and despite all this avoidance and delay – you still have to have the (now more) difficult conversation.
The good news is that difficult conversations can be successfully managed and can achieve positive outcomes for all involved.

Responsible AI In the Public Sector
Building a robust responsible AI ecosystem
Location: Hybrid
Date: 22-23 November 2023
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Overview: As AI continues to gain momentum, the public sector needs to ensure that it is used ethically, safely, and responsibly. Our Responsible AI in the Public Sector Hybrid Conference will bring together Federal & State Level Government organisations to discuss how to navigate the complexities of AI implementation. The conference will also explore how to successfully use AI to improve service delivery, enhance decision making processes and increase administrative efficiencies.
By sharing insights, best practices, and case studies, the conference aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of responsible AI and its implications for the public sector.