Check out the latest public sector networking and education events. Photo: Supplied.
NSW Public Sector Grades 9-10 High-Performance & Leadership Workshop
Date: 25 – 26 June, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Cliftons Sydney
Level 13, 60 Margaret Street, Sydney
Email: [email protected]
To be successful in achieving its mission, the NSW Government is in need of highly capable and adaptable leaders. This popular workshop is the preferred choice of NSW Government agencies seeking to strengthen their teams’ leadership performance.
We’ve distilled into a comprehensive workshop many of the key learnings, tools and best practices that successful leaders in the NSW public service apply.
Develop and refine core skills and key leadership capability to achieve success and excel.
- Identify and develop your capabilities as a confident and successful public sector leader
- Build productive relationships and lead proficient, capable teams
- Drive strategic change to improve procedures and meet agency goals
- Learn about career planning and pathways in NSW public service roles.
Speaker Maree Walk is a highly sought-after leadership specialist with more than 30 years’ experience working with executives from government and non-government organisations.
She has previously held significant roles as the deputy secretary for programs and service design in the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and chief executive of community services.
She is currently the CEO of ACWA, board director of City West Housing and the Parenting Research Centre, and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Working Effectively at the EL 2 Level
Date: 25 June, 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Duration: One seven-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Executive-level positions bring new and demanding leadership and management challenges.
This program describes the broad role requirements of EL 2s through the APS Work Level Standards (WLS) and deepens your understanding of the capabilities and behaviours identified in the APS Integrated Leadership System (ILS) critical to high performance at the EL 2 level.
Learn how to confidently and appropriately respond to the challenge. This content has been provided by the APS Academy. The training is suitable for EL 1 – EL 2.
Essential Writing for Executive Levels
Date: 25 – 26 June, 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Duration: Two three-hour face-to-screen sessions
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Essential Writing for Executive Levels shows participants how to produce documents that are accurate, clear and consistent with government style requirements.
This program is suitable for executive-level staff who are either undertaking writing tasks themselves, managing other employees on a writing task, are new to the APS or have transferred into a role where higher levels of writing skills are required.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy. Training is in a virtual environment suitable for EL 1 – EL 2.
Public Sector Climate-Related Risk & Disclosure
Presented by The Hatchery
Date: 25 – 26 June, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Hybrid conference, Canberra
Email: [email protected]
As governments recognise the escalating impact of climate change on their finances, infrastructure, service delivery and policies, it is more crucial than ever for them to effectively assess and manage climate-related risks.
Governments have a fundamental responsibility to consider current and future climate risks, and opportunities, in decision-making. With mandatory climate disclosure requirements in development at a Commonwealth level, and proactive moves happening across other levels of government, now is the time to take action.
The Public Sector Climate-Related Risk and Disclosure Summit will uniquely bring together the key stakeholders and leaders from across federal, state and local government to share best practices to assess, disclose and manage climate risk. This summit will also explore the key role of leadership, governance, and how to build public sector capability to effectively manage climate risk.
Benefits of attending:
- Hear about the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure reform and what your obligations are under it• Understand how DCCEEW & state governments are building capability to assess risk and support adaptation
- Gain insights from all levels of government and learn how they’re taking action to manage climate risk
- Hear from expert speakers across government, academia, legal and more
- Connect with like-minded professionals to support you on your climate-risk journey.
Hear from key speakers:
- Cathryn Geiger – head of division (a/g), Climate Change Policy, Adaptation & Risk Division, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water
- Professor Mark Howden – director, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions & vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Aaron Coutts-Smith – director climate adaptation, land sector opportunities, NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water
- Vicki Woodburn – group executive, Australian Climate Service
- Sarah Barker – co-chair, World Economic Forum Climate Governance Community of Experts
- Lesley Andrew – director Commonwealth Climate Disclosure, Department of Finance.
Structuring Work
Date: 26 – 27 June, 2024
Duration: Two face-to-screen sessions: one 5.5-hour session from 9:30 am – 3 pm; one 1.5-hour session from 9:30 am – 11 am
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Essential techniques and tools to work effectively and avoid methodologies, jargon and unnecessary templates and forms.
The practical activities relate to your work or are based on case studies and exercises. You’ll learn how to structure your work to be more effective and efficient.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for APS 3 – APS 6.
Producing a Quality Cabinet Submission
Date: 27 June, 2024
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Duration: One eight-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
You will get the most current information and insights into the Cabinet system, delivered in an engaging and educational way.
You will become familiar with Cabinet principles and conventions, key steps and timeframes, template requirements, and who to consult. With lots of practical activities, you will develop your drafting skills and learn tips on how to write for a Cabinet audience. You will also benefit from meeting and engaging with other APS staff on these topics.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy in partnership with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The training is in a virtual environment suitable for APS 5 – SES 3.
Report Writing in the APS
Date: 27 June, 2024
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Duration: One eight-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This course covers the processes for writing reports that adhere to the Commonwealth writing style.
Learn to produce documents that have scope, effective research, are organised and interpret information well. Follow the established structures of good executive summaries, clear findings and easy-to-understand conclusions and recommendations.
This content has been provided by a third party in consultation with the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for APS 5 – EL 5.
Delivering Great Policy Foundations
Date: 27 June – 4 July, 2024
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Duration: Two eight-hour face-to-screen sessions
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This package delivers all four modules of Delivering Great Policy Foundations.
This package defines the four core elements required for delivering great policy advice: being clear on intent; being well informed; solutions are practical to implement; and advice is influential.
Participants will complete all the modules in sequence. This content has been provided by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The training is suitable for APS 3 – APS 6 and APS employees who are new to, or considering a career in, policy development roles.
Implementing Problem-Centric Work & Special Classes of Risk
Date: 30 June – 31 July, 2024
Time: All day
Location: Online
Email: [email protected]
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the highly sought-after Implementing Problem-Centric Work & Special Classes of Risk seminar in collaboration with esteemed international regulatory expert Professor Malcolm Sparrow from Harvard University.
Through the seminar, we will examine two sets of puzzles for regulatory and risk-control operations, both of which are currently demanding significant attention from a broad range of Australian regulatory bodies.
Day one will examine the practical challenges of implementing “problem-centric” work (which some agencies refer to as “harm-reduction” or “risk-based” projects). The basic concept has been circulating in regulatory circles for at least two decades, but the practical work of developing mature problem-centric capabilities, and institutionalising them, is far from done.
Day two will focus on special classes of risk and the practical challenges these risks present for agencies responsible for controlling them. Agencies that do engage in problem-centric work soon discover that some – but not all – of the important problems they seek to tackle exhibit confounding qualities of one type or another.
Such risks, or problems, are often termed “wicked” or “special” because of these qualities. This seminar will explore the major categories of “wicked” risks most frequently encountered by regulatory and enforcement agencies.
Facilitator Malcolm K Sparrow is a leading international expert in regulatory and enforcement strategy, security and risk control. He is the Professor of the Practice of Public Management at Harvard’s John F Kennedy School of Government and the faculty chair of the school’s executive program “Strategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies”.
Professor Sparrow served 10 years with the British Police Service, rising to the rank of detective chief inspector. He has conducted internal affairs investigations, commanded a tactical firearms unit, and has extensive experience with criminal investigation.
His research interests include regulatory and enforcement strategy, fraud control, corruption control, and operational risk management. He is also a patent-holding inventor, and deadly serious at tennis.
Public Sector APS 5-6 Women in Leadership Masterclass Series
Date: 2 – 4 July, 2024
Time: All day
Location: Live stream
Email: [email protected]
Intimate, engaging and hands-on, this unique learning experience will cultivate your professional and personal development to optimise your performance and accelerate your growth as an APS 5-6 leader.
Specifically designed for women in APS 5 and 6-level roles, the masterclass will give you key tools to thrive as a leader, work effectively in your role and equip you to tackle your professional and personal life with passion and resilience. You will be refreshed, inspired, and confident in your leadership and the path ahead.
Key benefits:
- Shift from a management to a leadership mindset
- Discuss how to nurture relationships and build your support network
- Set action-oriented goals that achieve the results you want and need
- Understand why self-awareness and self-regulation matter as a leader
- Effectively manage competing priorities and get the most important things done
- Communicate with influence, clarity, consistency and empathy.
Speaker Claire Harrison is an executive coach, facilitator, meditation teacher and the CEO of Claire Harrison.
She is a former tech and media industry business leader, holding senior leadership roles with realestate.com.au, Mamamia Women’s Network, Women’s Agenda, Business Chicks, Getty Images, and News Corp.
Claire has a Diploma in Positive Psychology, and her areas of expertise include resilient leadership, emotional intelligence, mindfulness-based stress reduction and executive coaching with a focus on leadership and business.
She has worked with more than 2000 leaders in the public and private sectors and has over 15 years of experience leading high-performing teams and developing workplace culture.
NSW Public Sector Grades 9-10 Data Literacy Workshop
Date: 9 July, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Online
Email: [email protected]
Influential data literacy skills for non-data professionals.
- Understand how good data translates into effective outcomes
- Collect and analyse robust data
- Learn how to manipulate data and select the most appropriate medium to visualise it
- Inform team decisions through comprehensive analysis.
Speaker Rabia Khan is a public health and data specialist with more than 20 years’ experience in the global health sector, spanning Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
She excels in leveraging data and evidence to enhance health outcomes and reduce disparities. Rabia empowers individuals to drive positive change, make informed decisions, and amplify their impact through effective leadership, data utilisation, and evidence-based strategies.