Check out the latest public sector networking and education events. Photo: Supplied.
Data-Driven Decision Making Workshop
Date: 29 May 2024
Time: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Cliftons Sydney, Level 13, 60 Margaret St, Sydney, NSW,
Email: [email protected]
Are you tired of making decisions based on assumptions and guesswork? Do you want to unlock the power of data to drive your organisation forward?
If so, then our Data-Driven Decision Making Workshop is the one for you.
This workshop is specifically designed for non-data professionals who want to learn how to leverage data to make informed decisions. Our expert facilitator, Rabia Khan will guide you through the process of data analysis and interpretation, and show you how to extract meaningful insights that can inform your organisational strategy.
Overview: Enrich your data skills to drive reliable decisions that deliver results – Data for Non-Data Professionals
- Understand core concepts related to data for decision-making
- Identify opportunities to leverage data for your team and your organisation
- Discover key data concepts in the context of a leader making decisions and understanding the data analysis process
- Identify the critical issues that impact the availability, integrity, and use of data
Speaker Rabia Khan is a public health and data specialist with over 20 years in the global health sector, spanning Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. Rabia excels in leveraging data and evidence to enhance health outcomes and reduce disparities. Rabia empowers individuals to drive positive change, make informed decisions, and amplify their impact through effective leadership, data utilisation, and evidence-based strategies.
Grammar and Punctuation
Date: 3 June 2024
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Duration: One 8-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This interactive course provides a foundation for writing clear and meaningful documents. Explore parts of sentences (nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs) and review standard grammar, punctuation and spelling rules to build skills and confidence in writing. Use active and passive voice, and learn to avoid common grammar and punctuation errors.
Participants should bring two current samples of writing when they attend. These may be emails, briefs, reports, or other writing from the workplace. Writing practice can be applied directly to their own work. All writing remains confidential and will not be shared or discussed.
Training is suitable for APS 1 – EL 2.
Editing and Proofreading
Date: 4 June – 5 June 2024
Time: 9 am – 12:30 pm
Duration: Two 3.5-hour face-to-screen sessions
Location: Australia wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This is a highly interactive course on editing and proofing written text for APS 4 – EL 2 levels. It includes writing skills, editing and proofing methods. You will be able to enhance documents for correctness and clarity.
Participants should bring two current samples of writing when they attend. These may be emails, briefs, reports, or other writing from the workplace. Editing practice can be applied directly to their own work. All writing remains confidential and will not be shared or discussed.
Training in a virtual environment that’s suitable for APS 4 – EL 2.
Essential Writing for APS 5-6 Levels
Date: 4 June 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Duration: One 7-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Essential writing for APS 5–6 levels is designed for APS employees who produce documents involving analysis or evidence-based argument. It is aimed at APS levels 5–6, but is suitable for all APS and executive levels who need to improve their analytical writing. The program focuses on briefs and minutes (internal documents with advice and recommendations) and non-routine correspondence (letters and emails).
Training is suitable for APS 5 – APS 6 and APS employees and executive levels who need to improve their analytical writing.
Appearing Before Parliamentary Committee
Date: 4 June 2024
Time: 10 am – 2 pm
Duration: One 4-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Do you need to appear before a parliamentary committee in your current role?
Do you provide support to someone who does this? Learn about the committee system and the role you have to provide honest and accurate testimony.
Appearing before parliamentary committees takes an in-depth look at parliamentary committees that scrutinise decisions and the information flow between the APS, the parliament and the public. This program will help you to prepare effectively and communicate information clearly. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a simulation of the committee process to crystalize your knowledge.
Training in a virtual environment that’s suitable for EL 2 – SES 3.
APS Unlocked
Date: 4 June 2024
Time: 11 am – 12:30 pm
Duration: One 90-minute face-to-screen session
Location: Australia wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
APS Unlocked brings together new and returning members of the APS to engage with experienced APS leaders and practitioners, who will share essential information and tips for a successful and productive career in the APS. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and build their APS network to ensure they gain the knowledge, confidence and capability needed in the early days of their APS career.
Training in a virtual environment that’s suitable for APS 1 – EL 1.
Public Sector Persuasive Public Sector Writing Masterclass Series
Date: 4 June – 30 July 2024
Time: All day
Location: Multiple
Email: [email protected]
All writing should be clear, concise, and correct.
Good quality public sector writing should also be professional, persuasive, and polished. Public sector writing can be challenging and time-consuming. You have to contend with different audiences, rigid deadlines, and complex topics.
While the basic skills of good writing are critical, you need more to meet the demands of more involved government communication. You need to be able to present every case confidently and well, regardless of who you are writing to or what you are writing about. You must be able to use words, structure, flow, and more to deliver compelling arguments and convincing information that people will want to read.
It is about using writing to communicate complex issues clearly and with influence.
This masterclass will help you to make the most of your existing skills and practice new ones. It will also offer tips and techniques to make your writing easier, faster, and more effective.
Register and refine your skills, so your writing stands out, for all the right reasons.
Speaker Bev Sullivan has decades of experience in running written communication workshops for public servants at all levels and from all tiers of government. Her specialty is helping people to use (and tweak) their existing skills and experience to make writing less of a chore and deliver better results.
With an extensive background in government, education and communication, she is very familiar with the challenges involved in producing excellent public sector writing.
Bev has been an English teacher, a trainer, manager and director in the public service, as well as a consultant, presenter and editor. Most days, if she isn’t training, coaching or editing for one government agency, she’s writing something for another.
Empowering your Neurodivergence
Date: 4 June 2024
Time: All day
Location: Online
Website: https://gritngracecollective.com
Create a career on your terms by empowering your neurodivergence.
Reframe your differences as superpowers.
Work smarter, not harder.
Belong without having to “fit in”.
I’m looking for 12 neurodivergent women who are ready to work with me and each other for 12 weeks to transform their professional life into something they can enjoy for many more years to come.
This program is for you if…
- You feel like an imposter or a square peg in a round hole at work and have to conform a lot?
- People under-estimate you? You feel invisible, unrecognised or underappreciated, making you doubt your worth?
- Or, people feel threatened by you, intimidated because of your intellectual ability, meaning you often silence yourself to fit in?
- You’re exhausted from trying to keep up with the rules of work, working such hard and long hours that you are worried you will burn out, or already have?
- You leave work feeling lonely, anxious, frustrated or even angry and then lack the enthusiasm to do it all over again the next day?
- You know you can perform, but you want to have the confidence to show up more authentically and waste less energy on masking and camouflaging?
Briefing and Responding to APS Decision Makers
Date: 5 June 2024
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Duration: One 8-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This program takes an in-depth look at decision-making and covers the skills required to design, develop and deliver a briefing. Understand the development and role of question time briefs, ministerial talking points for media engagements, ministerial advisor briefings, hot issues briefings, ministerial submissions and second reading speeches. Experience ‘real-life’ briefing scenarios that simulate the high-pressure and stakes of a government briefing. Learn effective briefing techniques and workshop approaches that build relationships with senior APS decision-makers, ministers and advisers.
Training in a virtual environment that’s suitable for APS 5 – EL 2.
Engaging Stakeholders
Date: 5 June 2024
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Duration: One 8-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This program helps to identify the benefits of working effectively with stakeholders. Understand the most appropriate stakeholders and the most appropriate form of engagement. Work through case studies and scenarios to develop the necessary analysis, planning, and engagement skills for working successfully with stakeholders.
Training is suitable for APS 1 – EL 2 and APS employees that are new to Engaging Stakeholders.
Managing Remote Teams
Date: 5 June 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 1 pm
Duration: One 3.5-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Practical coaching and training for managers on how to manage their teams in a remote environment. Participants will have the opportunity to develop skills, and discuss concerns and barriers with flexible remote working arrangements. This will be achieved by taking a ‘top down’ approach to implementing remote flexible teams. Participants will be given a framework approach for their team to support a high performing remote and flexible working team.
Training in a virtual environment that’s suitable for APS 5 – EL 1.
Public Sector APS 5-6 Leadership and High Performance Masterclass
Date: 5 June – 20 August 2024
Time: All day
Location: Sydney & Brisbane
Organiser: Crown Leadership International Group
Telephone: +61 2 9042 1717
Overview: The weight on the shoulders of leaders has taken a gravitational shift. We are dealing with a future of economic volatility, building a positive culture in remote teams, wellbeing being at the centre of decision making, and increasing expectations on agile innovation. “From our first step until our last step … what is your footprint on this planet going to be?”
Leadership is not a title. We are all leaders. We all have the ability to influence. Some lead people down the garden path. Others lead us to a brighter destination. What are the actions we take when no one is watching? What is your gravity of leadership?
“Are you creating a gravitational pull or a gravitational push?”
Understanding the gravity of your leadership and how it positively or negatively affects the people you influence, is crucial to your own and organisation’s success. The future of leadership requires a heart centred, human centric and nurturing rising talent approach. It’s our role to ensure that other people feel like the most important person in the room. We must think differently if we are going to be a pace setter, who embraces change and stands united at the cutting edge.
Speaker Craig Johns is a 10x National Sport Champion, International Coach, and CEO turned High Performance Leadership Expert, Global Speaker and Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast host.
Having lived in 5 countries across 3 continents, Craig has 28 years of international experience working in the sport, health, mind, education and hospitality industries.
Build your First Nations Cultural Capability
Date: 6 June 2024
Time: All day
Location: Online
Email: [email protected]
Learn the foundations of cultural safety & contribute to reconciliation in Australia.
The richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in Australia is something we should all take pride in as a nation. But how much do you know about this 60,000+ year old culture, its continuing traditional practices and the commitments that aboriginal people have to them?
Join seasoned executive leader and facilitator Lil Gordon for this half day online seminar and gain a strong foundation of knowledge about how to respectfully work with and engage First Nations people and their culture. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of
Aboriginal perspectives and learn skills that will improve your cultural capability in the workplace. Help further the cause of reconciliation and do your part in closing the awareness gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australia.
Lil Gordon (she/her), Ngemba/Ngiyampaa Woman, Seasoned Executive Leader, Consultant & Facilitator
My passion is working alongside our communities in empowering Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to create their own destiny, to provide those opportunities to give us the best chance to be the very best we can with whatever we choose to do. Aboriginal education and training has been my main field along with effective and balanced leadership in building capability with Aboriginal people as well as building understanding and capacity with non-Aboriginal people to recognise their potential in the ‘bigger picture’.
Strengthening Partnerships with Ministerial Offices
Date: 7 June 2024
Time: 9 am – 3 pm
Duration: One 6-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Improve partnerships with ministers by uplifting the capability of APS staff to engage with ministers and their advisors. This includes supporting ministers to deliver outcomes by providing quality timely advice and working with minister’s offices to implement decisions and priorities.
Training in a virtual environment that’s suitable for EL 2 –SES Band 3.
On the Forefront of Innovation with Bluerydge
Date: 17 June 2024
Time: 5 pm – 7 pm
Location: Inspire Centre, Teal Room, Building 25, University of Canberra
Free event: Tickets
Join Bluerydge and the University of Canberra as they demonstrate innovation in cyber secure robotics. Hear from Adam Haskard founder and principal consultant at Bluerydge as he speaks about his PhD research in secure robotics at the University of Canberra (UC). Joined by Associate Professor Damith Herath, the lead of the Collaborative Robotics Lab at UC, discover the unique intersection of cyber security and robotics.
Learn how this research with Bluerydge and the University of Canberra is contributing to the future of secure robotics in Australia.