26 September 2023

Unlock: Leveraging the Hidden intelligence in your Leadership team

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Reviewed by Rama Gaind.

By Rob Pyne, Publish Central, $29.95.

What makes a good leadership team and what do productive leadership team meetings feel like? Business coach, psychologist and team expert Rob Pyne says leaders should show up for these meetings feeling positive and prepared, and they should leave the sessions feeling inspired.

Research shows that just 20 per cent of executives rate their leadership team as ‘high performing’. Yet, almost every company’s strategy, its very survival, is predicated on having an effective leadership team. We assume our leadership team will be high performing, but 80 per cent of the time it’s not.

Leadership today is becoming a collective pursuit – not a solo performance. As an effective top team, you can create tremendous, long-lasting value for your company.

Rob has worked with, and in, a wide range of leadership teams and he’s seen a number of them become inspiring. He explores what holds leadership teams back and looks at ways to make them better – more effective, more productive and more strategic.

“This book provides a 21st-century take on leadership teams, piecing together a wide range of academic work and real-world case studies to help you build a better leadership team.”

It’s organised around the three types of intelligence every leadership team needs: emotional, creative-analytical and practical. Each of these has crucial elements that make up the “nine building blocks of team intelligence.”

You just need to be able to navigate challenges thrown up by people and culture; to provide the critical thinking required for complex strategic challenges; and be able to deliver on strategy and turn all the talk to action.

There’s a lot to learn: how to build the foundations of a real team, how to best utilise the collective intelligence of your leaders and how to turn your ideas into real-world results.

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