26 September 2023

Uni partnership to boost women leaders

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Vice-Chancellor of the ANU, Professor Brian Schmidt with the Chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, former Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

The Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra is to partner with King’s College London to establish an Asia-Pacific office of the College’s Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.

The Institute is based in London and chaired by former Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

Ms Gillard will also chair the board of the Asia-Pacific satellite, to be based at the ANU.

The Asia-Pacific office will be the first international base for the Global Institute and will work in close partnership with its London counterpart on research projects, education programs, advocacy and engagement.

Ms Gillard said the partnership would help the Institute expand its reach and achieve a truly global impact with its work.

“The new Asia-Pacific satellite institute will broaden our network of researchers and practitioners and help us get the message out about what is effective in promoting gender equality,” Ms Gillard said.

“We want to see a world in which all women, wherever they’re from and whatever they do, are able to fulfil their potential free from prejudice, discrimination and biased assumptions about their abilities or personalities.”

Vice-Chancellor of the ANU, Brian Schmidt said the satellite office would draw on the ANU’s deep commitment to, and expertise in, gender equity issues in Asia and the Pacific, led by new academic staff appointed to lead its collaborative work.

“The Global Institute for Women’s Leadership has had a remarkable impact since it was founded at King’s College London under the leadership of Julia Gillard,” Professor Schmidt said.

“Its research is shining a light on gender bias in the media and the workplace, and identifying the ingrained inequality that still acts as a barrier to women worldwide.”

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