A fast-tracked university course from the Department of Education and Training and Deakin University is to help early childhood educators become early childhood teachers to fill growing demand in the sector.
Minister for Early Childhood, Ingrid Stitt announced the opening of applications this week for the second cohort of the Innovative Initial Teacher Education university program.
“Diploma-qualified early childhood educators are encouraged to apply for a spot, which will enable them to compress the three-year Bachelor of Early Childhood Education down to just 18 months through Deakin University’s intensive trimester model of study,” Ms Stitt said.
“Aspiring early childhood teachers will be able to complete the course through an employment-based model – combining paid on-the-job employment at an early childhood service while studying,” she said.
“Financial support packages of $30,000 are also available for participating early childhood educators to help cover course fees and materials, as well as help with living expenses while they study.”
Ms Stitt said early childhood services would also receive direct funding for each student to provide wraparound and mentoring support for educators while they trained to become teachers.
The Minister said 85 students were already studying the tailored course this year and were expected to join the workforce as teachers in 2022 when Three-Year-Old Kindergarten was rolled out Statewide.
Further information on the course can be accessed at this PS News link.