NSW Treasury has updated its annual reporting webpage, including its compliance checklist and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet.
Treasury said 2020-21 annual reports must be submitted to Ministers by 31 October and Agencies should not expect an extension of the deadline similar to the one-month general extension granted for their 2019-20 annual reports.
It said neither the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984 (ARSBA) or the Annual Reports (Departments) Act 1985 (ARDA) empowered the Treasurer to grant general deadline extensions and the previous extension was based on a provision in the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (GSFA) which only applied to 2019-20 annual reports.
The Department said changes to the senior executive salary bands were in effect for the 2020-21 reporting year, with two of the four Public Service Senior Executive salary bands expanded to include certain individuals with salaries outside of the normal per annum range.
“In March 2021, the Department of Customer Service issued NSW Cyber Security Policy Version 4.0, which replaced the previous version of that Policy,” Treasury said.
“Version 4.0 requires that Agencies include a Cyber Security Attestation Statement in their annual reports, which is generally consistent with the attestation statement required by the previous version of that Policy,” it said.
Further information on changes to annual reporting requirements can be accessed at this PS News link, Treasury’s seven-page Annual Reporting FAQs at this link and its 10-page Annual Report Compliance Checklist at this link.