Transperth has announced that its bus timetables are being enhanced to reflect the decision that schools will reopen for the second term.
It said that from 4 May, Transperth services would move from the present arrangement to one which represented 70 per cent of the normal weekday timetable, plus school services.
“Details of the enhanced services are being finalised and it is anticipated they will be available on the Transperth website,” Transperth said.
“Arrangements are being made with bus contracting companies to ensure their permanent workforce jobs are retained and employees are paid their base wages for the foreseeable future, while we assess as to when timetables are likely to return to a more usual level of service.”
Minister for Transport, Rita Saffioti said there had never been a bigger disruption to public transport in the State’s history.
“On 31 March we made a decision to reduce services to reflect the drop in patronage caused by the impacts of Coronavirus,” Ms Saffioti said.
“This latest service adjustment represents just over 70 per cent of our usual level of service, and supports the decision for students to return to Term Two.”
She said the pandemic had created a constantly evolving situation — “and we will continue to monitor new developments ahead of reintroducing further services” she said.