The ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) has recognised the commitment and service of 116 staff members who have reached major milestones in their careers.
The inaugural ACTAS long service awards provide formal acknowledgment and thanks for staff who have helped to keep Canberra safe for 10, 20, 30 and 40 years of service.
The awards were instituted as a result of staff feedback, held as part of ACTAS’s Blueprint for Change project, and will begin a tradition where continued service is recognised and honoured.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Mick Gentleman congratulated recipients for their achievements and thanked them for their commitment to the ACT Ambulance Service and the wider community.
“ACTAS staff do a great job, often in demanding and stressful situations, and it is important that their work is honoured,” Mr Gentleman said.
“I also acknowledge and thank the families and friends whose support enables ACTAS staff to continue their important work — support that often goes under the radar.”
Those receiving long service awards included paramedics, non-emergency patient transfer staff, communication centre officers, administrative, planning and support staff.
Two medals were awarded posthumously to the families of staff who had died.
Eleven retired staff who had reached a long service milestone within the past five years were also recognised.
Mr Gentleman said that the in the past financial year the ambulance workforce had serviced more than 53,000 Triple Zero calls.