27 September 2023

Three ways to move forward in 2023

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May Busch* says that however your year has begun, there is still time to make detailed plans for the remaining months ahead.

How is 2023 treating you so far?

My year began with excitement about a project my team and I have been working on for months.

So, what about your year?

Whether you’re off to a roaring start, feeling underwhelmed, or somewhere in between, this is a natural time to do some thinking and planning.

As my father says: “Chance favours the prepared mind.”

While having a strategy in place is important for achieving big goals, it can feel daunting to do that preparation.

It’s tempting to put it off until later or to ditch the idea altogether in favour of ‘winging it’.

Both are suboptimal if you want to have a great year.

I’d like to share with you some super simple ways to set yourself up for success without spending lots of time or spinning your wheels.

Here are three things you can do right now to get your career moving in 2023.

Choose your theme for the year

This can be an overarching theme that will sustain you through the year, like a touchstone.

For example, it could be The Year of the Promotion, or The Year of Getting Your Degree.

Maybe even The Year of Living Dangerously — like the movie of the same title.

You can also choose a set of words or phrases that really embody the theme you want to live out for the year, such as ‘let’s make everything simple, easy and fun this year’.

In the past, I’ve used Staying Focused as my theme.

For this year, it’s The Year of Being Badass.

For me, being badass is about going forward confidently, playing big, and not talking yourself out of things.

It’s about living life with confidence, leaning into your best strengths and being authentically you.

It’s doing things that are ‘on mission’ for you with energy, positive intent, joy, and zest.

No matter what happens, trusting you’ll figure it out and land on your feet.

Identify the three big wins you want to have this year

I want you to pre-determine and pre-select the three big wins you want to have this year.

They can be any three things.

It could be a combination of landing three new clients, or passing an exam you need to pass in order to get to the next level of your career.

Or getting over your fear of speaking by giving a big talk.

Think about what your three big wins are going to be.

It’s a more energising way of asking yourself: “What are my three big goals for the year?”

Decide what investment you’re going to make in yourself

Think about which things you’re going to spend your time, energy, mind-space and money on this year to build your foundation.

This year, my investment is joining a mindset coaching group.

This will not only shift the negative narratives that are holding me back, but also help me with the new coach development program I’m creating.

*May Busch works with smart entrepreneurs and top managements to build their businesses. She can be contacted at [email protected].

This article first appeared at maybusch.com

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