Marcia Langton is a formidable Presence in any arena.
With her sweeping of fabulous white hair she commands attention and despite saying she was nervous delivered the 2019 AIATSIS Wentworth Lecture to the National Press Club in Canberra, editing that lecture to suit the ‘address’ style the NPC requires.
Langton is an anthropologist, geographer and Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne. And refreshingly ‘tells it as it is’.
And we should take notice!
Cashless welfare cards, originally supported by Langton, has been brought into disrepute, as an essential part of the design was not implemented despite plenty of collaboration and discussion with Kimberley elders.
It was intended to solve problems such as alcohol fuelled violence and child neglect in remote communities.
So how did we get it wrong with Langton accusing the roll out as being ‘brutal’?
Langton is an integral part of the reason we need local people to be part of the solution – she is the go to person when bureaucrats and ministers need advice.
Sensible, forthright and with a big heart maybe she too should be in our Parliament.