A breakdown of the latest appointments, public hearings and open consultations in the Australian Public Service and across the public services of the states and territories.
APS Senior Executive Service
Band 1
The Productivity Commission has taken on Sarah Leary from the Attorney-General’s Department to become an assistant commissioner.
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has promoted Christina Raymond to general counsel of legal advice and legislation.
Finance has lost Rachel Figurski to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
Band 3
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission’s new chief operating officer is Angela Barrett, who was most recently at Treasury.
Other federal
Independent administrator for CFMEU appointed
Fair Work Commission general manager Murray Furlong has asked the Federal Court to approve a scheme for the appointment of Mark Irving KC as administrator for the Construction and General Division of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU).
The proposed scheme of administration covers the divisional executive and offices in the Victoria-Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australian divisional branches. The remaining divisional branches in Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory would continue to function as usual but could be brought under the scheme at a later date on application to the court.

Following significant consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, Mark Irving was proposed due to his 26 years of experience as a Member of the Victorian Bar, invested in both unions and employer organisations. Photo: CPDinsession.
Dr Caralee McLiesh PSM is the next Auditor-General of Australia
The Prime Minister’s recommendation for Dr Caralee McLiesh PSM to be appointed as Auditor-General for Australia has been accepted by the Governor-General.
Supported by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), the Auditor-General is an independent officer of the Australian Parliament and is responsible for auditing Commonwealth entities – playing an important role in upholding accountability and transparency.
Dr McLiesh will begin her decade-long term on 4 November, bringing more than 25 years of experience across government, international, not-for-profit and commercial sectors.
In 2017, she was awarded a Public Service Medal for outstanding public service to social impact investment policy and reform in NSW.

Since 2019, Dr Caralee McLiesh has served as the Secretary and chief executive of the New Zealand Treasury. Photo: COFR.
Pressure’s on for Julie Collins as she takes on new ministry
Member for Franklin Julie Collins is facing big expectations from her home state after being given the Commonwealth portfolio of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Along with her ministry of Small Business, the Labor MP is taking charge of a sector Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff believes “holds the pen on some of the most critically important industries to Tasmania’s economic prosperity”.

Minister Julie Collins’ new appointment comes amid the Federal Labor Government’s first Cabinet reshuffle since taking office. Photo: @JulieCollinsMP.
Appointments to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Eighteen new members, four of whom are senior, have joined the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
The AAT reviews decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, by state government and non-government bodies.
The new senior members are:
- Alison Clues
- Glen Cranwell
- Geoffrey McCarthy
- Kim Rosser.
The 14 other new members are:
- Fiona Brady
- Elim Chan
- Clair Duffy
- Sally Gooch
- Michael Judd
- Anita King
- Jennifer Lock
- Dr Jennifer Maclean
- Louise McDonald
- Sharon Sangha
- Olympia Sarrinikolaou
- Andrew Shelley
- David Stevens
- Mersina Stratos.
Jordan Hatch joins Services Australia
After 18 months on secondment to the Department of Finance, regulatory reform expert Jordan Hatch is joining Services Australia as a general manager of Customer and Staff Digital Programs.
After working on the myGov User Audit in 2022, Mr Hatch took on a role with Finance, first as Assistant Secretary of Regulatory Technology and Innovation, with Regulatory Reform included later.
There he led a team that refreshed the regulatory reform in the 2023-24 MYEFO, delivered on a digital statutory declarations capability in myGov and a wide range of issues with DISR and the DTA.

In 2019 and 2020, Jordan Hatch was responsible for digital, data, technology and cyber security policy for NSW Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello. Photo: LinkedIn/Jordan Hatch.
Alliance for Gambling Reform takes on new CEO
Martin Thomas has been appointed as the next chief executive officer (CEO) of the Alliance for Gambling Reform, for which he has been working in an interim capacity over the past few months.
The alliance is a national advocacy organisation that represents more than 60 entities and works to prevent and minimise the harm from gambling.
Mr Thomas has more than 20 years’ experience in the not-for-profit sector, previously working with World Vision Australia, Mission Australia, UNICEF Australia and then as CEO of Habitat for Humanity Australia.

Martin Thomas has consulted with the Alliance for Gambling Reform for the past three years as director of Medi, but more recently helped coordinate the Voices lived-experience program. Photo: LinkedIn/Martin Thomas.
ARLC takes in new part-time Commissioner and 12 new judges get on Federal and Family Court
Tony McAvoy SC has been appointed a part-time commissioner of the Australian Law Reform Commission (ARLC).
There he will co-lead its inquiry into the future acts regime within the Native Title Act 1993, alongside ARLC president, Justice Mordecai Bromberg. The inquiry aims to rectify any inequality, unfairness or weaknesses in the future acts regime, which governs how development projects occur in areas subject to native title.
Meanwhile, at Division 1 of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, three new judges have joined.
The Parramatta Registry will take on Mark Anderson, as Dr Juliet Behrens and Judge Elizabeth Boyle become involved with the Sydney Registry.
Nine new judges have joined Division 2, which will increase the court’s capacity to hear protection visa and migration cases.
In the 2023-24 MYEFO context, the government announced a $160 million package of reforms to restore integrity to Australia’s refugee protection system. The package responded to the findings of the Nixon Report, that processing delays were ‘’motivating bad actors to take advantage by lodging increasing numbers of non-genuine applications for protection’’.
Joining the court across its Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne and Adelaide registries are:
- Philip Corbett KC
- Amanda Coulthard
- Kate Cuthbertson SC
- Arran Gerrard
- Val Gostencnik
- Sheila Kaur
- Bernard McCabe
- Peter Papadopoulos
- Rania Skaros.

Tony McAvoy has more than three decades of experience in native title, property and environmental law and is widely recognised as Australia’s most senior First Nations barrister. Photo: National Indigenous Radio Service.
ASIC signs MoU with Vietnamese counterpart
On 2 August, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) signed its first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Securities Commission (SSC) of Vietnam in Sydney. The aim is to support information-sharing arrangements under a formalised capacity-building program supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
The MoU was signed by ASIC chair Joe Longo and SSC chairwoman Madam Vu Thi Chan Phuong and witnessed by senior Vietnam Government officials.
The program is focused on strengthening technical cooperation in the regulation and supervision of securities markets, information sharing, and other areas of mutual interest supporting fair, orderly and transparent markets.

Competition, Charities and Treasury Assistant Minister Dr Andrew Leigh spoke at the working session with the SSC the day before the MoU was signed. Photo: SSC.
States and Territories
John Catsanos SC appointed to NSW District Court
Barrister John Catsanos SC has been appointed a judge of the District Court of NSW. The experienced barrister’s work has consisted mainly of complex cases such as industrial and motor accidents, professional negligence and public liability.

For 37 years, John Catsanos SC has practised as a barrister at the NSW Bar and in 2019 was appointed Senior Counsel. Photo: BarNews.
New Victims of Crime Commissioner appointed in Victoria
Elizabeth Langdon has been appointed as Victoria’s new Victims of Crime Commissioner.
The Commissioner plays a vital role by advocating for victims’ rights in the justice system and providing advice to government on issues affecting victims of crime.
Ms Langdon will also oversee agencies’ compliance with the Victims’ Charter to ensure victim rights and entitlements are upheld. She will start in the role next month, replacing Fiona McCormack.

Elizabeth Langdon has held multiple commissioner and CEO positions throughout her career. Photo: Proximity.
Fresh membership for Victorian Veterans Council
The Victorian Government has appointed two new members of the Veterans Council: Emily O’Dwyer and Peter Swandale.
The Veterans Council is an independent statutory body providing advice to the Victorian Government about issues impacting the veteran community.
Ms O’Dwyer has more than six years’ experience at Melbourne Legacy, providing support to families of veterans who have lost their lives or had health impacts during service of their country.
Mr Swandale has served more than four decades with the Australian Regular Army and Reserves, gaining operational experience while serving in Bougainville, East Timor and Iraq.
Victorian Shrine of Remembrance trustees appointed
The Victorian Government has welcomed the appointment of Sandi Laaksonen-Sherrin and Bruce Mildenhall to the Shrine of Remembrance Board of Trustees, and the reappointment of Colonel Catherine Carrigan.
Ms Laaksonen-Sherrin has held significant positions including as the inaugural Defence Family Advocate of Australia (DFA), representing more than 84,000 serving military families and acting as an independent adviser to the Commonwealth Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel and the Chief of the Defence Force.
Mr Mildenhall has broad experience and deep involvement in the veteran sector, stemming from his father’s service as a Rat of Tobruk.
Colonel Carrigan served for more than 40 years in the Australian Army, and her long history of military service is complemented by her experience as a business owner and consultant.
Experienced CEO to head DevelopmentWA
The WA Government has appointed Dean Mudford for a five-year term as CEO of DevelopmentWA, the state’s land development agency.
Mr Mudford has been acting CEO of DevelopmentWA, where he has taken a leading role in the delivery of a range of projects, from affordable and social housing to priority State Government work such as the Ocean Reef Marina and the Australian Marine Complex.
He is a former vice-president of the Property Council of Australia (WA Division) and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Dean Mudford has delivered projects across all sectors of the property market in Australia. Photo: LinkedIn/Dean Mudford.
New leadership for South Australia’s arts sector
A newly created position in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet will see Clare Mockler join as interim executive director of Arts South Australia.
Ruth Mackenzie CBE is now the program director of arts, culture and creative industries policy, while the current director of creative industries Becc Bates comes to the new position of director of strategy and investment. Both are also within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
Ms Mockler is the former CEO of the City of Adelaide and Ms Mackenzie is a former artistic director of the Adelaide Festival.
Brett Sheehy AO is returning as artistic director of the 2025 Adelaide Festival, a position he previously held between 2005 and 2008.
He will finalise the festival’s programming and oversee its delivery next March. He will also continue preparations for the 2026 program until the appointment of its artistic director.
Open for consultation
Eligibility requirements for tax practitioner registration
The Federal Government has released a consultation paper reviewing the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) registration requirements for tax practitioners, following the revelations of the PwC scandal. The paper focuses on the education, qualification and experience requirements for new entrants and existing practitioners. Feedback from the public is open until 7 August.
Reforming mergers and acquisitions draft legislation
The Federal Government is calling for submissions on draft legislation reforming Australia’s merger approval system to make it faster, stronger, simpler, more targeted and transparent. The legislation will take effect at the beginning of 2026, subject to its passage through Parliament. Feedback is open until 13 August.
ACCC proposes to allow collaboration in the cash-in-transit industry
The ACCC has issued a draft determination proposing to grant authorisation with conditions to the Australian Banking Association (ABA), its member banks and other industry participants to facilitate business continuity planning in the cash-in-transit industry.
The ACCC’s draft determination also proposes to allow the parties to implement business continuity measures in the event of, or in reasonable anticipation of, a suspension, disruption or exit of Armaguard’s cash-in-transit services. Submissions will be accepted until 14 August.
Community views invited on Lake Burley Griffin floating saunas
The National Capital Authority (NCA) is inviting community feedback on the proposed design of the floating saunas on Lake Burley Griffin near Yarralumla Beach. A works approval application detailing the proposed location, design and materials to be used to build the saunas has been submitted to the NCA for assessment. Submissions are open until 23 August.
Draft guidance for lead replacements in plumbing products, lead and manganese
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is inviting feedback on guidance material developed for the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines on lead replacements in plumbing products, lead and manganese. Feedback can be submitted until 6 September.
For information on all the state and territory government projects open for consultation, follow the links below:
- New South Wales
- Queensland
- Victoria
- South Australia
- Western Australia
- Tasmania
- Northern Territory
- Australian Capital Territory
Federal Parliament Public Hearings
Wednesday (7 August):
Inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry – Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts
Time: 9:40 am – 2 pm; Chamber: House; Location: Constitution Room, Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA.
Food and Beverage Manufacturing in Australia – House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources
Time: 9 am – 2:30 pm; Chamber: House; Location: Legislative Council Committee Room, Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, VIC.
Select Committee on Cost of Living
Time: TBA; Chamber: Senate; Location: Swissotel Sydney, 68 Market Street, Sydney, NSW.
Thursday (8 August):
Financial Services Regulatory Framework in Relation to Financial Abuse – Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
Time: TBA; Chamber: Joint; Location: Executive Lounge Room, DoubleTree by Hilton, Perth Waterfront, 1 Barrack Square, Perth, WA.
Inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry – Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts
Time: 9:40 am – 2 pm; Chamber: House; Location: Executive Lounge Room, DoubleTree by Hilton, Perth Waterfront, 1 Barrack Square, Perth, WA.
Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles – Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water
Time: 9 am – 5:15 pm; Chamber: House; Location: TBC, Melbourne, VIC.
Friday (9 August):
Financial Services Regulatory Framework in Relation to Financial Abuse – Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
Time: TBA; Chamber: Joint; Location: Wagga Wagga, NSW.
Impact and mitigation of aircraft noise – Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee
Time: 9 am – 5 pm; Chamber: Senate; Location: Q Theatre, Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre, 597 High St, Penrith, NSW.
Tuesday (13 August):
Issues related to menopause and perimenopause – Community Affairs References Committee
Time: TBA; Chamber: Senate; Location: Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT.