26 September 2023

The changing face of education

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When you think about it, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense that a couple of years of study at the start of your career will prepare you for a lifetime in the workforce.

By the time you finish your qualification, the things you learnt at the beginning may already be obsolete. And it could take a few years for you to be in a position to apply the theoretical knowledge that many studies focus on.

In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s just as important to keep your skills up to date as it is to get them in the first place.

But before you start panicking about having to invest the time and money into another lengthy qualification, the good news is there are plenty of ways to get practical, industry-relevant skills quickly and easily.

Short courses to bridge the gap

Think you don’t have time for professional development? Get your learning in bite-sized chunks with a short course or micro-credential that you can complete in as little as an hour.

Instead of completing a full qualification, you can pick and choose the subjects that are the most relevant to your current role or future career goals. Plus, if the course is accredited you can always use it as a stepping stone to complete a full qualification in the future.

Many courses are now also offered part time or online — no need to go to a campus or commit to full-time study.

With these flexible study options you can study when and where it suits you and fit your studies around your other work or family commitments.

Upskill to level up

If you’ve already got a great qualification under your belt, now’s the time to add to it. Whether you want to move into a management role, specialise your skills, or take on more responsibility, adding to your existing skills is a great way to boost your career.

Upgrading your certificate qualification to a diploma could be the missing piece to help you take your career to the next level (you may even be eligible for recognition of prior learning).

Cross skill to multiply your options

If you’re already highly qualified you might be thinking you’re out of the firing line — wrong. Cross skilling is a great way to add value to your organisation and future career prospects.

For example, if you’re trained in software development you might want to expand your skillset and study website development as well.

Once you’re cross skilled it can open up new job opportunities and career paths. It will also make you even more valuable to your current employer as you can transfer your multiple skills between different projects as needed.

How TAFE Queensland can help

No matter what your career goals, keeping your qualifications up to date can help you stand out from the crowd. Get started today with a practical, industry-relevant course from TAFE Queensland.

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