A new whole-of-Government network for Agencies to send reminders and messages to users anywhere in the world is being tested by the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) with Agencies invited to join the trial at no cost.
Called notify.gov.au, the new network is part of the digital transformation strategy under which DTA is committed to build platforms to support better services.
In a statement, DTA said the strategy outlined how whole-of-Government digital platforms could increase the integrity and consistency of Government service delivery, and provide a unified and seamless user experience.
“Notify.gov.au is a platform that will provide Federal, State, Territory and Local Government Agencies with an easy, low cost way to communicate with their users anywhere in the world,” DTA said.
“People make millions of calls and enquiries each year to Government Agencies to find out about the progress of their applications, payments and obligations.
“Through our user research, we found that people want to receive immediate updates on non-sensitive information through text message and-or email with small snippets of useful information.”
It gave the example of a person wanting to be reminded of an appointment, which would be updated when their application had progressed in a queue, or to be told when their document or card was about to expire.
“The platform has now moved into private beta and we’re inviting Agencies to trial it at no cost,” DTA said.
“Participating Government Agencies will be given a password to access the platform in a closed environment.
“From here, they can set up a password-protected user account to send unlimited emails and up to 25,000 free text messages.”
It said .Agencies could trial notify.gov.au for free until 30 June.