26 September 2023

Sustainable Vic named best workplace

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Sustainability Victoria (SV) has been named one of the best places to work in in Australia and New Zealand.

Interim Chief Executive of SV, Matt Genever said the Agency was ranked first on the 2023 Australian Financial Review’s Boss Best Places to Work List in the Government, Education & Not-For-Profit sector, up from fourth place last year.

Mr Genever said the list was based on a rigorous assessment process managed by Australia’s leading behavioural science consultancy, Inventium.

He said the assessment included a staff survey and a written submission, with questions related to policies, practices and programs that exist within the organisation to support and get the best out of employees.

“This award means the world to us,” Mr Genever said.

“We want Sustainability Victoria to be an engaging place for our teams to work, feel supported and enjoy what they do,” he said.

“We know that having an excellent workplace culture is very important in delivering major change.

“Major change is what Sustainability Victoria and the whole of the Victorian Government aspires to, in transitioning to a climate-resilient Victoria.”

Mr Genever said SV had embraced hybrid ways of working, and its ‘Find your Flex’ policy ensured staff could work in a way that best suited them.

He said that this year, the Agency also launched its Menstruation and Menopause Wellbeing Policy to support staff suffering from symptoms with additional paid leave and other flexible work options.

“We want our staff to find flexible working arrangements that works best for them, whether that’s flexible start or finish times, compressed working hours, part-time work or even job sharing,” Mr Genever said.

“Staff have embraced our Find your Flex policy, with 97 per cent stating that their management supports flexible working and 88 per cent saying they feel like they belong at Sustainability Victoria.”

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