Redeployable solar “pods” can be installed within hours.
Property NSW is playing a leading role in a trial project that could soon see Government buildings bristling with re-deployable rooftop solar panels.
The new project sees solar panels fixed to roofing by a racking and mounting system that offers the ability to quickly remove the panels to be deployed elsewhere, making them attractive for use by organisations leasing buildings from landlords.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced funding for an Australian start-up called Solpod to trial installing re-deployable rooftop solar on Government and commercial buildings.
Solpod’s innovation allows commercial tenants to access rooftop solar.
The $5 million project will see the re-deployable solar panel systems installed at 25 sites across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland with a total capacity of nearly 2.5 MW, with each site possessing up to 100 KW of solar PV.
ARENA is committing $975,000 towards the project.
In partnership with ERM Power, Solpod will be trialled at government and commercial buildings and shopping centres owned by property owners including Property NSW and GPT who will each install 10 pods.
The new system involves manufacturing prefabricated commercial scale solar panels raised on aluminium pods which are fixed with industrial strength adhesive to the roof surface.
The “pods” are manufactured in Melbourne, and can be installed within hours.
Chief Executive of ARENA, Darren Miller, said the re-deployable solar system opens up new markets for rooftop solar installation.
“Solpod’s new way of installing solar will pave the way for businesses who were previously locked out of rooftop solar to take up renewable energy solutions and options under shorter term power purchase agreements,” he said.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Solpod, James Larratt, said despite rooftop solar being cheaper and more sustainable than the grid, many businesses have made the rational decision to not adopt solar because of other factors such as length of commitment, disruption on site and damage to buildings.
“Solpod is the game-changer that removes these barriers and enables businesses to capture the savings in energy costs,” Mr Larratt said.