More Victorian students who have disability are to receive the support they need to learn, contribute and participate in their schools and classrooms as new funding has been allocated to meet the costs of tailored profiles for individual students.
Announced by the Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins, the Disability Inclusion Transition Funding is to support the schools to engage and take part in the Disability Inclusion Profile process.
“Already, there have been more than 1,000 requests to create Disability Inclusion Profiles for students,” Ms Hutchins said.
“Under the process, trained facilitators help schools and families to work together to create the profiles to assist students with disability,” she said.
“The transition funding will give schools greater budget certainty to plan for and provide adjustments for students with disability.”
Ms Hutchins said Disability Inclusion would be rolled out progressively and was expected to reach all Victorian Government schools by 2025 – doubling the number of students receiving extra support in the classroom to 55,000.
She said all Government schools across the Outer Easter Melbourne, Mallee and Central Highlands areas were now in Year 2 of the roll out, while schools in Year 1 included those in the Barwon, Loddon Campaspe and Bayside Peninsula areas.
“Victoria’s seven Supported Inclusion Schools are also implementing Disability Inclusion,” the Minister said.
“This transition funding will enable schools to plan with certainty so they can support more students with disability, ensuring they can get the great education they deserve.”