Jason Von Bank* says there are some simple things employers can do to help employees manage stress before it becomes a problem.

Photo: energepic.com
Workplace stress is a problem.
According to one recent survey, 40 per cent of workers report that their job is very stressful, and 25 per cent say their job is the primary stressor in their lives.
And nearly half of employees say they need help learning to manage stress.
Whether stress originates in the workplace or elsewhere, it can affect employee performance.
Elevated stress levels increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, psychological disorders, workplace injuries, cancer, suicide, and more.
That means higher healthcare expenditures (by about 50 per cent) for workers who report high levels of stress.
It also means more missed work.
The number of employees calling in sick because of stress tripled from 1996 to 2000.
All told, job stress is estimated to cost US employers more than $300 billion annually as the result of accidents, absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, medical costs, and workers’ compensation awards.
So, what can employers do to help employees manage stress before it becomes a problem?
Here are four simple ideas.
Make time to breathe
Sometimes taming stress is as easy as taking a step back and catching your breath.
Giving employees opportunities to take quick breaks at their desk allows them to gather themselves and feel more under control.
Those breaks can go a long way toward making the day feel less hectic and squashing small stressors before they become overwhelming.
Several apps are currently available, including virtual, on-demand fitness options, that offer short exercises or classes to help individuals focus on their breath and let their workday stressors fade into the background.
Focus on food
Who hasn’t downed a bag of chips or a packet of Tim Tams when they were having a particularly stressful day?
Stress eating is real, and people are unlikely to make healthy food choices when a particularly challenging day drives them to the vending machine.
Education is one solution.
If employees realise how stress triggers appetite, they can slow down and understand exactly why they suddenly crave a chocolate bar.
People still may want to eat, though.
In that case, making healthy food choices prominent around the office makes it more likely that people whose emotions are fuelling their appetite will at least have options that are good for them.
Allow employees to recharge
Modern employees have access to wonderful tools that allow them to stay connected to the office day and night, but those tools can also create a problem.
For some, that means never getting away from work.
And if we can’t leave work, we can’t focus on home life.
The challenges that caused stress all day at work continue to cause stress through the night.
In some cases, employers have instituted a ban on work emails over the weekend to give employees a chance to completely unplug and refresh themselves so they can return at full speed on Monday.
Find time for exercise
Exercise is a powerful tool for managing stress.
Physical activity boosts endorphins, the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters.
It also forces the brain to focus on something other than what’s been causing stress.
Finally, regular exercise can increase self-confidence, boost relaxation, and improve sleep, all of which help combat stress.
Depending on the job, some level of workplace stress is probably unavoidable.
Deadlines and a desire to do good work create expectations that employees work hard to meet.
But with the right tools in place, stress doesn’t have to become a health risk.
With a few simple tweaks, the workplace can help employees deal with stress to become happier, healthier, and more productive.
* Jason Von Bank is President and CEO of Wellbeats.
This article first appeared at hrdailyadvisor.blr.com.