Victoria is to become the first State or Territory in Australia to make the public display of Nazi symbols illegal as a way to help stamp out hateful behaviour.
Attorney-General, Jaclyn Symes said a ban on the public display of Nazi symbols was expected in the first half of 2022 in recognition of the rise in neo-Nazi activity.
Ms Symes said extensive consultation would be undertaken on how the Nazi symbol ban was crafted to ensure appropriate exceptions were in place, such as for educational or historical purposes.
She said the State’s anti-vilification protections beyond race and religion would also be extended to cover areas such as sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability and HIV/AIDS status.
She said that to help people who suffered vilification seek justice through the courts, civil and criminal vilification is to be made easier to prove.
Ms Symes said that earlier this year, the Parliament’s Legal and Social Issues Committee delivered its report on the effectiveness of the State’s anti-vilification laws.
She said the report found vilification to be common for many Victorians, including people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, particular faith groups, those who identified as LGBTIQ+ and people with a disability.
The Attorney-General said the official response to the report included better protection for the community from vilification and discriminatory practices as well as boosts for human rights and equal opportunity.
She said an Anti-Racism Taskforce was also developing a new Anti-Racism Strategy which would complement the implementation of the recommendations.