South Africa’s Public Service wage strike has ended after unions and the Government announced they had reached a settlement.
Neither party disclosed the terms, which they said were still being processed (the unions had demanded a 10 per cent increase).
Before the strike, the Government had offered a three per cent increase plus a R1,000 ($A80) one-off cash gratuity.
A union source, which did not want to be named, said the Government had increased its offer to seven per cent.
The strike resulted in public health services being crippled in many areas, with patients left unattended and turned away from hospitals and clinics.
The National Education and Health Workers Union (Nehawu), the biggest public sector union involved in the strike, has called on its members to return to work.
In a statement, the Department of Public Service and Administration said the settlement had paved the way for the parties to return to the 2023-24 wage negotiations.
“As part of managing the return of all parties to the negotiations, a Special Council has been convened receive the submission of residual matters emanating from the 2022-23 wage negotiations,” the Department said.
Nehawu said in a statement that the strike had “registered significant achievements and outcomes”.
“Among other things, the Government has agreed to augment the increment for the 2022-23 year,” the union said.
“The Government has also agreed to negotiate a minimum service level agreement for the public sector within six months,” it said.
“This will set out the conditions and provisions under which essential services workers can strike.”
Pretoria, 17 March 2023