26 September 2023

Shake A leg Like Elvis

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Reviewed by Ian Phillips.

By Dino Jag, House of Wow Pty Ltd 2022.

South Australian singer/songwriter, Dino Jag returns with his first single since 2021’s When The Day Comes.

That song was particularly good and whetted my appetite for more so I’m pleased he’s produced some new material.

Shake A Leg Like Elvis is a funky, groovy, pop infused R&B track that is unbelievably catchy and should provide Dino with the breakthrough song he’s been looking for.

It’s already jumped to number 7 on the iTunes Aussie Top 40 Chart and I expect it will climb higher.

Dino’s previous tracks have made the playlists of numerous radio stations both here and abroad so he has achieved some success but as yet he hasn’t quite found the mega-hit he needs to put his name up in lights.

Shake A Leg Like Elvis was mastered at the world famous Abbey Road Studios in London (where the Beatles did all of their recording) by Oli Morgan.

His mastering has produced a crisp and full sound that really enhances the finished product.

The inspiration for the song came from a saying that Dino’s father used to say.

When Dino was young and just starting to play the guitar and sing his dad would often tell him he needed to “shake a leg like Elvis”.

This advice has become a metaphor for giving it your all and not holding back.

For Dino it’s liberating and allows him to unleash the performer that’s within.

This is not the first time that Dino has flirted with Funk.

He first came to prominence with his 2005 cover of the 70’s classic Play That Funky Music which reached number 8 on the local charts.

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