The State Government’s ServiceWA app has been extended to include FuelWatch, offering users an easy way to find the best fuel price deal across Western Australia.
According to the Minister for Commerce, Roger Cook, the addition of FuelWatch to the ServiceWA app is a step toward redefining how Western Australians interact with Government services in a digital world.
“As fuel prices continue to rise, the addition of FuelWatch to the ServiceWA app will allow WA families to ensure they are getting the best deals available across the State,” Mr Cook said.
“The FuelWatch website has more than 1.5 million views each month, highlighting how important this service is across WA,” he said.
“I encourage all Western Australians to utilise FuelWatch on the ServiceWA app.”
In a statement the Government said the ServiceWA app was launched in January of this year and has provided users a free, convenient and secure mobile application that allows people to show proof of vaccination, check in at businesses and venues, and access their G2G Pass for interstate travel.
“With nearly all previous COVID-19 restrictions eased – the ServiceWA app will now transform and be expanded with new government services offered within the app,” it said.
“The app continues to provide access to important COVID-19 information, including how to prepare your household for COVID-19, where to get tested and where to get vaccinated.”
The Government said the ServiceWA app had been downloaded over 1.2 million times and it was also exploring the addition of other features including SmartRider, Seniors Card and Emergency notifications (via Emergency WA).
More information about the ServiceWA app can be accessed at this PS News link and it can be downloaded from the Apple or Android app stores.