Kosova to Development Board
Leading town planner, Len Kosova has been appointed to the State’s DevelopmentWA Board.
Mr Kosova has worked in urban and regional town planning since 1995, working in senior positions in Government and will replace outgoing Board Member Dale Page whose commitment to the Boards was described as fantastic guidance and leadership
In addition, Chair of the DevelopmentWA Board, Darren Cooper, has been reappointed for a further two years.
New faces at FHRI

The State’s Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund has welcomed three new members to its Advisory Council, as it readies to invest $220 million dollars in health and medical research.
The new members are Lesley Nelson, Moira Jean McKinnon and Jennifer Lawrence, (all pictured) who will join with Council Chair: John Van Der Wielen; Dr Glenn Begley; Kane Blackman; Professor Dale Fisher; Professor Christina Mitchell: Dr David Russell-Weisz and Rebecca Brown.
New Aboriginal advisors named
Three new members have been appointed to the Department of Justice’s Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (AJAC).
Jean O’Reeri, Henry Lockyer and Amanda King were selected to fill vacancies on the committee, which provides cultural advice and guidance on justice issues relevant to the Aboriginal community.
Ms O’Reeri is a Wilinggin woman from the East Kimberley region who has specialised in Aboriginal education.
Mr Lockyer (pictured) was born and raised in the Port Hedland area and is connected to the Banjima and Ngarluma peoples. He works in human resources and Indigenous affairs in the mining industry.
Ms King is a Noongar and Barkandji-Ngiyampaa women from Perth. She has worked for the State Government in native title matters and Aboriginal empowerment.
They replace outgoing inaugural AJAC members, Merle Carter, Mitchell Drage and Jacob Collard.
Smith to head DBCA
Stuart Smith has been appointed Director General of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, with a five-year term beginning on 10 July.
He has also been appointed Chief Executive of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Rottnest Island Authority and the Zoological Parks Authority.
Mr Smith (pictured) has served for three decades in State and Commonwealth Public Service roles, including as Director General of the Department of Fisheries for six years.
He replaces Deputy Director General, Peter Dans who has acted in the role since the retirement of Mark Webb at the end of last year.
Senior Council is newest judge
Senior Counsel Matthew Howard has been appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, beginning on 17 July.
Mr Howard (pictured) has been in litigation practice for more than 30 years, a recent role being Acting Parliamentary Inspector for the Corruption and Crime Commission of WA.
Additionally, he chaired the Legal Practice Board of WA and Law Access WA and is recognised for his commitment to providing access to justice through pro bono work.
Lewis to Mental Health Commissioner
Maureen Lewis has been appointed as Mental Health Commissioner for a five-year term.
Ms Lewis (pictured) has previously held the roles of Assistant Commissioner Policy, Planning and Strategy at the WA Mental Health Commission and Deputy and Interim Chief Executive at the National Mental Health Commission.
Most recently she was Executive Director of Child and Adolescent Mental Health services at the Child and Adolescent Health Service.
She replaces Lindsay Hale, who as Deputy Commissioner has acted as Commissioner since October 2022.
Hughes-Owen moves back to WA
David Hughes-Owen has been appointed Chief Executive of Busselton Water.
Mr Hughes-Owen (pictured), who will take up the position on 4 September, was most recently General Manager of Service Delivery at TasWater.
Before that he held various senior roles at the Water Corporation, including as Regional Manager of the Great Southern Region and overseeing asset investment planning in the metropolitan area and for the regions.
He replaces Chris Elliott, who is retiring after more than a decade as Chief Executive of Busselton Water.
Changes at Swan River Board
David McFerran has been appointed Chair of the Swan River Trust Board, with Board member, Peter King (pictured) appointed Deputy Chair.
Penny O’Connor and Tracy Shea appointed as Board members.
Mr McFerran is the former Business Manager of Development WA. He replaces Hamish Beck who has served in the role for nine years.
Other outgoing members include Joanna Pearce, Vanessa Martin and Jo Wilkie.
Caddy to Development trust
David Caddy has been appointed Chair of the Western Australian Regional Development Trust that provides governance and oversight of the Royalties for Regions Fund.
Mr Caddy (pictured) has had a career spanning more than 40 years in urban and regional planning, becoming Chair of the WA Planning Commission in 2018.
He replaces outgoing Chair, Brendan Hammond who was in the role since 2017.
Yang to Vasse Taskforce
Pierre Yang has been appointed Chair of the Vasse Taskforce that oversees the Revitalising Geographe Waterways program.
Mr Yang (pictured) is the North Metropolitan Member of the Legislative Council and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Water.
He replaces outgoing Chair and Minister for Agriculture, Jackie Jarvis, who has served in the role since December 2021.
The Revitalising Geographe Waterways program seeks to improve the water quality, health and management of geographe waterways.
Leadership changes at Synergy
Michelle Shepherd has been appointed Chair of the Synergy Board with Yasmin Broughton the new Deputy Chair and Denise McComish joining.
Ms Shepherd (pictured) has more than 20 years’ experience in both the private and public sectors of Australia’s electricity, gas and energy markets, including as Commissioner of the Australian Energy Market Commission.
Ms Shepherd replaces Robert Cole who served in the role for more than five years and leaves to become Chair of Perth Airport.
Ms Broughton replaces Kim Horne as Deputy Chair and has been a Board member since 2017 and is a corporate lawyer.
Ms McComish is a former partner of KPMG. She joins Peter Clough, Rob Bransby and Richard Watson as non-executive directors.
Bray to Gascoyne CEO
Timothy Bray has been appointed Chief Executive of the Gascoyne Development Commission.
Mr Bray (pictured) has been Director Strategy and Economics and Deputy Chief Executive at the Kimberley Development Commission since 2016, leading the Commission as Acting Chief Executive during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
An extensive recruitment process for the role was conducted by the Public Sector Commissioner.
Mr Bray replaces Tym Duncanson who held the position since March 2019, and Simmone Van Beurle who acted after Mr Duncanson left in February.
Cant to stay in Finance
Jodi Cant has been reappointed Director General of the Department of Finance.
Ms Cant (pictured) has held the position since 2018, which included an eight-month secondment to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage in 2021-22.
She has been involved in the delivery of significant infrastructure and building projects for the State, and contributed to the response and recovery from COVID-19, delivered against State economic priorities.
During this difficult period Ms Cant provided leadership and advice to whole of Government, while continuing to administer grants and collect revenue for both State and Federal Governments.
Hill named as State Solicitor
Graham Hill has been appointed the Western Australian State Solicitor, beginning on 29 May.
Dr Hill (pictured) has more than 30 years’ experience in legal practice, including civil litigation, administrative law, constitutional law, dispute resolution, and employment law.
He was previously at Legal Aid WA where he was Director and Chief Executive for the past five years. He has also headed Tasmania Legal Aid and been a Deputy Secretary at the Victorian Department of Justice.
He replaces Angela Komninos who has been acting in the role since Judge Nicholas Egan was appointed to the District Court.