Gaetjens to take reins at Treasury
Philip Gaetjens (pictured) has been appointed Secretary of the Treasury following the resignation of John Fraser after three and a half years.
Mr Gaetjens is a former Secretary of the New South Wales Treasury and has held senior positions in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the South Australian Treasury and Finance Department.
He was also Chief of Staff to the current Treasurer and former Treasurer Peter Costello.
Smith granted reappointment
Greg Smith has been reappointed Chairperson of the Commonwealth Grants Commission.
The Commission is a statutory authority which provides advice to the Government on how revenues raised from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) should be distributed among the States and Territories.
Treasurer Scott Morrison said Mr Smith’s two-year reappointment would allow him to oversee the Commission’s Methodology Review due for completion in 2020.
Ah Chee to chair kids’ forum
Chief Executive of the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Donna Ah Chee has been appointed Chairperson of the newly established Child and Family Tripartite Forum in the Northern Territory.
Establishment of the Forum, which brings together the NT and Federal Governments, was a recommendation of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory.
Based in Alice Springs, Ms Ah Chee has extensive experience in the human services sector.