25 August 2024

Secrets of the office slacker revealed

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Man relaxing in his office chair

Some individuals have perfected the art of looking productive without putting in the effort, displaying a deceptive mastery that might even seem impressive at first glance. Photo: File.

James Mason calls out the annoying co-workers whose cunning methods of deception allow them to wing their way through the day doing as little work as possible.

Do you ever look up from your desk and notice a colleague chatting away for half an hour while you are embroiled in a mountain of emails and faced with back-to-back meetings?

Either you are doing something seriously wrong, or they have worked out how to get through the working day with as little work as possible and still get paid for it.

Here are five reasons some employees seem to be simply winging it at work.

Meeting contribution: It’s interesting to notice how some colleagues can be highly vocal during meetings without contributing anything substantial.

They might dominate discussions, using cliche buzzwords and vague statements, giving the impression of being highly involved.

However, in reality, they may not be providing any actionable insights or solutions at all.

These employees often excel at making their presence felt without putting in much effort, cleverly redirecting the conversation to others or rephrasing points already made.

They rely on the fact that being seen and heard in meetings can sometimes be more valued than the quality of their input.

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Assignment outcome: Some employees can provide just enough to get by when carrying out assignments or tasks.

They may turn in work that is barely passable, often filled with superficial content that meets the minimum requirements but lacks depth and innovation.

These individuals tend to focus on quantity over quality, submitting a flurry of mediocre outputs rather than a few well-thought-out pieces.

They understand that in many workplaces, ticking off tasks on a checklist can sometimes be mistaken for productivity, allowing them to appear busy without truly providing anything of value.

Disappearing act: The disappearing act is a classic manoeuvre where employees find ways to be physically or virtually absent without drawing much attention.

They might schedule long lunch breaks, extend their coffee runs, or frequently ‘’work from home’’ with minimal supervision.

In a remote -work environment, these individuals might log in to appear active but then vanish for hours, leaving their colleagues to pick up the slack.

They count on the busyness of others and the assumption that they are working diligently in the background, all the while contributing minimally to the team’s efforts.

Talking a good talk: Some employees are good at confidently explaining plans, strategies and goals without following through, or having the capability to do so.

These people are often charming and persuasive, and they use their communication skills to create the impression they are competent and ambitious.

They may have the ability to impress managers and colleagues with their confident speeches, but when it comes to getting things done, they often rely on others to bring their ideas to life.

Receiving rewards: Despite their minimal contributions, these employees often manage to receive rewards and recognition.

They might be skilled at self-promotion, ensuring their small successes are highly visible while downplaying or deflecting any shortcomings.

They know how to align themselves with high-performing teams or projects, taking partial credit for group achievements.

These individuals understand the power of perception and use it to their advantage, securing raises, promotions, and accolades that may not truly reflect their level of effort or impact.

They have perfected the art of looking productive without putting in the effort, displaying a deceptive mastery that might even seem impressive at first glance.

However, this charade is unlikely to last forever. Eventually, their lack of genuine contribution will be exposed, and they may find themselves jobless.

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While some have managed to wing it for years, this approach is unsustainable for anyone who truly values their career.

Genuine job satisfaction and recognition come from setting goals, achieving them, and being rewarded for real accomplishments.

By recognising this behaviour, you can manage your work environment more effectively, ensuring that true productivity and merit are acknowledged and respected.

James Mason has worked for various organisations over an 18-year career. A seasoned blogger, he has created the blogsite Office Bantomime. This article first appeared on the Office Bantomime website.

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