South Australia Police (SAPOL) has announced the first two Police Dogs (PDs) from the Class of 2020, PD Bomber (pictured) and PD Cooper, along with their handlers, graduated last Wednesday (11 August).
Manager of the Dog Operations Unit and Senior Sergeant at SAPOL Kurt Newcombe said PD Bomber and PD Cooper started training in SAPOL’s 12-week Puppy Development Program, which assessed whether they would be suitable working dogs.
Senior Sergeant Newcombe said the dogs went on to complete another intensive 12-week program, the General Purpose Police Dog course, which involved obedience exercises, agility, tracking, area and building searching as well as criminal apprehension techniques.
“It takes a very special and unique dog to graduate from our General Purpose Dog Courses,” Senior Sergeant Newcombe said.
“The dogs must demonstrate the highest standards of obedience, control, nerve stability, physical and mental toughness,” he said.
“Not only do Police Dogs Bomber and Cooper demonstrate these traits, they both also demonstrate their highly social nature, fitting incredibly well into their family lives as well.”
He said he was “really excited” see the hard work his team had put into the breeding and development program.
“I have no doubt we’ll see the operational successes of these two very soon,” Senior Sergeant Newcombe said.
He said PD Cooper graduated with Brevet Sergeant Sarah Price, who previously worked in the Dog Operation Unit’s Specialist Detection team with PD Xera, a Passive Alert Drug Detection Dog.
He said PD Bomber graduated with Sergeant Simon Rosenhahn, who was the handler of PD Ben until he retired in June 2021.
Senior Sergeant Newcombe said applications were currently open for police officers to join SAPOL.
Further information can be accessed at this PS News link.