26 September 2023

Safety call for school holidayers

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Queenslanders enjoying road trips during the school holidays have been urged to make safety their top priority.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey, delivered the urge saying highways all around the State would be busy as holiday-makers set voyage during the break.

“Queensland’s road toll is the worst we’ve seen in a decade, and sadly the behaviours which contribute to the number of lives lost and serious injuries on our roads are all avoidable,” Mr Bailey said.

“Speeding, running red lights and failing to wear seatbelts are all major contributors to our road toll,” he said.

“When there are more people on the roads, all racing to be with family or friends, we often see a spike in this dangerous behaviour.”

Mr Bailey said that to encourage safer driving and deter risky behaviours, those who choose to do the wrong thing will face higher penalties for some high-risk offences from 1 July.

“I make no apologies for being tough on reckless behaviour that endangers every single user of the road.” the Minister said.

He said a recent penalty increase would hit drivers where it hurt – their wallet.

“Running a red light will now incur a $575 fine and drivers will continue to receive three demerit points for this offence,” Mr Bailey said.

He said penalties for speeding would also rise with high range speeding now costing a fine of $1,653 and eight demerit points.

“We’ve already seen nearly 30,000 people caught not wearing a seatbelt or not wearing one properly, which is why this offence will also see a significant increase to $1078 and an uplift in demerit points,” he said.

“Images released recently showed just how little drivers care about their own lives but not even securing themselves or passengers in properly”.

“The message is simple,” the Minister said. “If you don’t want to be penalised, do the right thing on our roads.”

“Make no mistake, cameras and police are everywhere – you will be caught, anywhere anytime,” Mr Bailey said.

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