Examples of the new signage WA-based road trains will carry from 1 July. Image: WA Main Roads.
The Western Australian Government has declared that road trains and other heavy vehicles more than 22 metres long must carry clearer signage from this month (July).
The new signage will be rolled out from July and will be displayed on the rear of restricted access vehicles to provide other road users with greater awareness of road trains when overtaking.
The new signs show a graphic with the number of trailers the road train is comprised of and the total length of the prime mover and trailers and will replace the current ‘LONG VEHICLE’ signage on all vehicles between 22 and 60 metres in length.
The introduction of the new signage follows a trial in 2022 and 2023 and a favourable response to it from 90 per cent of respondents. WA is the only state to adopt the new signage so far, but Main Roads WA says other interstate road authorities have expressed interest in possibly adopting it.
Interstate vehicles travelling into WA will not be required to carry the new signage, and existing signage from other states will be recognised and accepted.
Acting Transport Minister John Carey said the new signage was about making roads easier to navigate and safer for all drivers by giving motorists the length of larger vehicles they might be sharing the road with.
“We rely on road trains to keep our economy moving and we know how intimidating it can sometimes be to try to overtake one,” he said.
“This way other drivers have the information in front of them regarding how long the vehicle is which helps them to make a more informed decision when overtaking.
“There was great feedback following the successful trial last year and I look forward to the rollout in coming months.”
Western Australia-based operators have until 1 January 2025 to add the new signage to their vehicles.