Several sites across the Riverland have been shortlisted for further investigation as part of a project to support and promote environmental outcomes across the Lock 3 Reach.
Program Leader in Sustaining Riverland Environments (SRE) with the Department for Environment and Water (DEW), Nathan Clisby said the program aimed to implement options that would help achieve a healthier River Murray system, stronger communities and better recreation and profitable industries, while also stimulating jobs and economic growth in the Riverland.
Mr Clisby said that as an initiative of the SRE Program, options were shortlisted from the Lock 3 Master Plan which was released for community consultation in November last year.
He said sites included a mix of wetlands and creeks, including Loveday Mussel Lagoon, Beldora and Spectacle Lakes and Katarapko Creek.
He said shortlisted options included undertaking environmental investigations and exploring potential operational and infrastructure investments to improve the condition of wetlands and waterways within the Lock 3 Reach.
“The Lock 3 Reach contains some of the most diverse flow conditions of all the weir pools in the South Australian River Murray and contains a number of sites of significant ecological, social and cultural importance.”
He said investigations would also extend to exploring capacity and outcomes associated with weir pool management within the Lock 3 Reach and the potential benefits for Wachtels Lagoon, Loch Luna and Lake Bonney.
Mr Clisby said the SRE team was conducting various ecological and topographical surveys to support stakeholder consultation and the refinement of each option.