The Department for Environment and Water has announced that the River Murray peak flow projections have once again measured 150 or more gigalitres (GL) of water in a day.
Announcing the daily information it received, the Department said the peak flow was still expected to reach the South Australian border in early December when the flows were expected to remain above 100GL/day throughout January and possibly even longer.
The Department and Government are urging river communities to plan and prepare for the possibility of a higher peak due to the uncertainties in flow forecasting.
“There remains a moderate probability of 165 GL/day peak flows based on improved forecast accuracy or rainfall close to the SA border,” the Government said,
“There remains a low probability of 180 GL/day peak flows, which communities should consider in their flood emergency preparedness.”
It said the flood pulse was due to move past the Edward-Wakool system in New South Wales and rejoin the main river in mid-November, providing upstream agencies with greater ability to accurately predict the likely flow at the SA border.
“Water levels at the Wakool Junction gauge are rising earlier and faster than earlier modelling had indicated,” the Government said.
It said it continued to monitor blackwater in South Australia closely, where low dissolved oxygen levels have been recorded and where temperatures will lead them to increase.
“Blackwater, which is caused by the degradation of large amounts of organic matter washing into the river from the floodplains in NSW and Victoria, is starting to affect the river upstream,” the Government said.
“Some isolated fish deaths have been reported.”
The Government called on anyone observing any fish kills in the wild to report it to the FISHWATCH 24-hour hotline on 1800 065 522 with further information available from the Biosecurity page on the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA).
The PIRSA Biosecurity page can be accessed at this PS News link.