26 September 2023

Ripper ‘23

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Reviewed by Ian Phillips.

By The Hard-Ons, Cheersquad Records 2023.

Older readers will immediately recognise the cover of the new album from legendary punk band The Hard-Ons.

Many of you will have Ripper (75) in your vinyl collection featuring tracks from Olivia Newton-John, Skyhooks, Daryl Braithwaite, BTO, Gloria Gaynor, Status Quo and the rest.

Ripper ’23 is the 14 th album released by The Hard-Ons but it’s the first with new lead singer Tim Rogers, from You Am I fame, fully integrated into the band.

Tim joined just before the release of I’m Sorry Sir, That Riff’s Been Taken in 2021 after all the writing and most of the production had been completed so his input to the material was substantially limited to the vocals.

It’s hard to underestimate the impact Tim has had on the quality of the sound on the two albums he has been involved with.

Especially Ripper ’23 where his involvement included writing as well as production.

Tim has taken the band from the fringe of Aussie rock straight to the centre.

The album artwork is a direct hark back to the outrageously sexist 70s compilation albums so beloved by the Australian music marketplace back then.

In the hands of the Hard-Ons, specially with Tim Rogers wit propelling it along, it’s really just a bit cheeky if still maintaining a whiff of exploitation.

Tim has been able to help the Hard-Ons retain much of their manic energy while at the same time smoothing out many of the rough edges that often marred their recorded output.

There are 12 tracks on the album and they are excellent. That’s not something that could be said of many of the hard-Ons earlier efforts.

They were always good musicians but not always focussed on the same outcome however there is much more rigor now and the quality of the end product has greatly improved.

The Hard-Ons are fresh from a lightening tour of Europe and will soon embark on a major Australian tour so keep an eye out for them.

Give Ripper ’23 a listen, I’m sure you’ll like it.

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