26 September 2023

Rescue mission sees turtles back in sea

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The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has returned endangered hatchlings of Loggerhead Turtles to Shelly Beach on the State’s Central Coast after an epic egg rescue.

Team Leader of Conservation at NPWS, Doug Beckers said the decision was made to relocate the 80-day-old eggs from their nest to Taronga Zoo’s Wildlife Hospital when sand temperatures dipped critically low.

“Intervening with the nest was our last resort, but the whole team pulled out all stops to save these eggs and thankfully the delicate operation paid off and we have given these hatchlings the best possible chance of survival,” Mr Beckers said.

“Loggerhead turtles are listed as endangered and this nest was only one of two laid on NSW beaches this season,” he said.

“Nest temperatures are vital to hatchling success and determine the sex of the turtles.

“These hatchlings are all male.”

Mr Beckers said the emergency rescue was carried out with Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC), Taronga Wildlife Hospital, Central Coast Council, NSW TurtleWatch and Marine Wildlife Rescue Central Coast.

He said this was the first time a loggerhead turtle nest had been recorded so far south, and the first time Darkinjung LALC had performed a cultural handover of turtle eggs into care.

Senior Veterinarian at Taronga Wildlife Hospital, Larry Vogelnest said Taronga staff felt privileged to have been able to help the vulnerable loggerhead hatchlings.

“We had an entire team regularly monitor the eggs and then hatchlings’ progress and health during their stay,” Dr Vogelnest said.

“Being able to release them back into the wild is an enormous group effort, so today is a good day for wildlife conservation.”

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