Ken Wyatt is a gentle man.
Quietly spoken, but with a steely resolve to make a difference in his new portfolio, urging us all for consensus, co-operation and bi-partisanship to find a sensible pathway to recognition of our first Australians in the constitution.
A referendum within three years is what he’s working for, but the history of them does not augur well for this as a solution, but maybe this gentle man can achieve something that should have been done years ago.
To dismiss the rights of our first Australians is tantamount to continuing on a path to deny rights to those whose recent history is shameful for we who brought so much suffering to them.
On a lighter note the Food and Wine Expo at the National Press Club in Canberra was a collection of fantastic wines and food to sip and chomp while meandering the displays, chatting to suppliers and indulging in oysters and prawns to make a freezing Friday just so much better.
To see what the capital city and region produces and exports is something to promote and share.