The new LNP Government’s ministry will focus on addressing challenges in youth crime, health, housing and cost of living. Photo: Facebook.
Queensland’s new Premier David Crisafulli has announced his Cabinet and senior government appointments, the latter of which includes 10 new directors-general.
Following consultation with newly sworn-in ministers, the Premier announced those set to fill leading roles of the Queensland public service and the dozen who will remain from the previous government.
The Premier said newcomers, along with his assistant ministry, would be appointed over the coming weeks once all seats were declared.
More notably, the Liberal National Party (LNP) government announced new ministries for the Sunshine State, including Victim Support, Home Ownership, Customer Services, Open Data and Integrity.
“This ministry puts community safety front and centre of government, with Laura Gerber in Youth Justice and Victim Support, Dan Purdie in Police, Deb Frecklington as Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, and Amanda Camm as Minister for Child Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence,” said Premier Crisafulli.
“These ministers will have a laser-like focus on restoring safety where you live and reducing the number of Queenslanders falling victim to crime.”
Some of the big changes to the new Premier’s ministry include a new Home Ownership portfolio being placed under Treasurer David Janetzki’s responsibilities, who will also take on Energy.
Tim Nicholls MP will be Health Minister, taking over from Ros Bates MP who requested a change and has been promoted into the Ministry of Finance, Trade, Employment and Training.
Minister Andrew Powell is taking the reins of Tourism and Environment, which have been combined into one portfolio. Premier Crisafulli said this would help his government “overcome the roadblocks that have stood in the way of Queensland benefitting from important new eco-tourism opportunities”.
“Whilst I had intended to keep the Tourism portfolio, it has been evident during Machinery of Government discussions that only by bringing together Environment and Tourism will we realise the full potential of eco-tourism opportunities for Queensland.”

Premier David Crisafulli has been touring the far north in the past week, standing here with hosts of Triple M Cairns. Photo: Facebook.
Tim Mander MP is now Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic games, as part of the Sport ministry, while a new Customer Service and Open Data portfolio is being joined with Small and Family Business to “streamline government services for Queenslanders and small businesses,” said Premier Crisafulli.
“By separating out from Transport and Main Roads, it will allow Customer Service to stretch across every arm of government and deliver Australia’s most customer service focused government,” said the Premier.
He added that the Attorney-General portfolio would be bolstered with an Integrity ministry under the leadership of Deb Frecklington.
Dr Christian Rowan MP has been named Leader of the House, who Premier Crisafulli believes will maintain “respect across the floor of parliament”.

Premier Crisafulli’s entire Cabinet. Source: QLD Government.
New appointments to the Queensland public service include:
- John Sosso, Director-General of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
- Dr David Rosengren, Director-General of Queensland Health
- And Trish O’Callaghan, the Acting Director-General of the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (from 11 November).
Until permanent appointments are made, the following will remain Acting Directors-General:
- David Mackie, Acting Director-General of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Rachel Crossland, Acting Director-General of Queensland Treasury
- Initially Kate Connors, followed by Brigita Cunnington, Acting Director-General of the Department of Justice
- Sharon Schimming, Acting Director-General of the Department of Education
- Kathy Parton, Acting Director-General of the Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
- Ben Klaassen, Acting Director-General of the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (until 11 November)
- Rob Seiler, Acting Director-General of the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
- Steven Koch, Acting Director-General of the Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business.
The dozen who are expected to continue in their roles include:
- Peter McKay, Department of Finance, Trade, Employment and Training
- Graham Fraine, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development
- Stephan Gollschewski, Queensland Police Service
- Paul Stewart, Queensland Corrective Services
- Bob Gee, Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support
- Sally Stannard, Department of Transport and Main Roads
- Linda Dobe, Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers
- Steve Smith, Queensland Fire Department
- Mark Cridland, Department of Housing and Public Works
- Graeme Bolton, Department of Primary Industries
- Andrew Hopper, Department of Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic games
- And David Mackie as Public Sector Commissioner (following the permanent appointment of Director-General of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet).