26 September 2023

QSS explains December pay boost

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Queensland Shared Service (QSS) has issued a memo explaining changes to leave loading and Queensland State Wage case payments for December.

QSS said workers may have noticed “a little extra” in their first pay for December.

This was because some employees received a leave loading each year as a lump sum payment.

“Your pay may include your annual leave loading payment for 2019. Your pay may also include the State Wage Case (SWC) 2019 salary increase and adjustments,” QSS said.

“There’s no advantage in paying these payments in different fortnights – they will attract the same amount of tax.”

QSS said the payments would be made as separate arrears payments and taxed separately to each other and separately to fortnightly earnings.

“Your fortnightly pay and tax won’t be affected. If you received an annual leave loading payment, you’ll notice an additional line on your payslip with this amount,” QSS said.

“If your pay includes the SWC increase and adjustments, you’ll notice adjustments on your payslip from 1 September.”

“We had to recalculate your pay from the date the SWC increase and adjustments apply.”

QSS said employees could see a breakdown of what they had been paid and taxed in their pay advice on Aurion (or an alternative payroll system).

People with any questions should contact their HR representative.

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