26 September 2023

QPS teaching young drivers new skills

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The Queensland Police Service (QPS) has explained that the recent Learner Driver Day at the Norwell Motorplex was an opportunity for young drivers to gain new skills behind the wheel.

“Participants had the opportunity to navigate a specialised driving course alongside police and other emergency vehicles,” the QPS said in a statement.

“The course aims to better prepare new drivers by exposing them to various on-road interactions, within a safe and controlled environment.”

It said that developed by the Road Policing Task Force and the Logan District Highway Patrol, the course included real-life scenarios such as being intercepted by police, giving way to an emergency vehicle and pulling over for a roadside breath test.

“After completing a 15-minute theory session, students are then able to hit the tracks and put their practical skills into action,” the QPS said.

“The numerous scenarios are each practised at varying, designated speeds, with an officer directing traffic,” it said.

Senior Constable Andrew Harper, from the Road Policing Task Force, said the program had been popular, offering new drivers the chance to practice in a safe environment.

“The response from participants has been so positive we are looking forward to incorporating other important areas of training in future,” Senior Constable Harper said.

Since its establishment in July 2021, more than 1,000 young drivers have taken the course, many of whom said they felt more confident and at ease behind the wheel after taking part in the training.

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