26 September 2023

Qld Health ignites summer burn warning

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Queensland Health has issued a reminder about burn hazards this Summer, with parents urged to look out for hot seatbelts, garden hoses and playground slides during the hotter months.

In a statement, the Department said cooling off and playing under the garden hose with the kids was the perfect family activity in the heat.

“Not only should you be keeping any water restrictions in mind, hot water burns from hoses is something to be mindful of in Queensland backyards,” the Department said.

The Department said a garden hose exposed to direct sunlight during Summer could heat the water inside the hose to 55 to 60 degrees – enough to cause third-degree burns.

“We recommend letting the water flow until the temperature cools before spraying it onto others,” the Department said.

“Seat belt burns are often forgotten about, especially when buckling up before a drive seems like routine.”

“Where possible, we encourage parking in the shade when you can.”

Queensland Health said where it was impossible to find shade, tucking vehicle seat belts away was the best idea.

“Regardless of age, you’ve probably had an encounter with the playground slide,” the Department said.

“In hot weather, check metal playground equipment, especially slides – they can get hot enough to burn a child.”

The Department said other metal playground objects such as hand railings, monkey bars and ladders should also be treated with caution in hot conditions.

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