26 September 2023

Public to comment on public holidays

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Safework SA has invited the community to have their say on what they think of the State’s current arrangements for public holidays.

According to Safework SA, the month-long survey is allowing South Australians to suggest changes they would like to see made to the Holidays Act 1910.

The move follows the Government’s decision to amend the Holidays Act and make Christmas Day a public holiday regardless of which day of the week it falls upon.

“When a (Christmas Day) public holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday moves to the following Monday,” Safework said.

“This has led to some workers not being paid public holiday rates when rostered on to work on Christmas Day, 25 December,” it said.

Lagislative MP Kyam Maher said the Government was committed to protecting the rights of South Australian workers.

“Our legislation will ensure we avoid the unfair situation experienced under the former Liberal government when many workers did not receive penalty rates for working on Christmas Day in 2021,” Mr Maher said.

“This survey is also a chance for everyone to express their views on public holidays in South Australia going forward,” he said.

Safe Work SA said feedback from the confidential Your Say survey would help shape the Government’s approach to amendments to the Holidays Act regarding public holidays in South Australia.

The survey is open until 3 February and YourSay can be accessed at this PS News link.

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