26 September 2023

Public sector honoured on Queen’s birthday

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has marked her birthday in 2021 by recognising the commitment and dedication of the many public servants who have served the people of Australia over and above the call of duty in the past year and beyond.

Her Majesty’s awards, presented by the Order of Australia, were unveiled for the public in Canberra earlier this week by the Governor-General, General David Hurley on her behalf.

Staff members of the Western Australian Public Service recognised and honoured by the Queen on her birthday included:


Kenneth William EVANS AM


For significant service to education, to independent schools, and to public administration.

Dr Evans was a Senior Research Officer in the Western Australian Department of Education from 2002 to 2003 and Chairman of the John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School Council from 1995 to 2014.



Department of Transport (now Public Transport Authority)

For service to public administration

Mr Martinovich was Executive Director, Infrastructure Planning and Land Services in the Department of Transport from 2009-2015.


Kirsten Jade CHIVERS PSM

State Solicitor’s Office

For outstanding public service through roles with the State Solicitor’s Office in Western Australia.

Ms Chivers has worked at the State Solicitor’s Office (SSO) for over 18 years. She is a highly valued lawyer and member of the senior executive team and, more recently, as Acting Deputy State Solicitor.

During 2020 and into 2021, she has worked tirelessly leading the SSO’s COVID-19 team, and protecting the interests of the State and the community during the State of Emergency.

A hallmark of her leadership and work on COVID-19 has been the ability to achieve significant outcomes in timeframes that never would have been considered possible in a pre-State of Emergency environment.

Her grasp of the emergency management and public health statutory framework is unrivalled, as is her ability to provide time-critical practical legal advice to the State Emergency Coordinator and the Chief Health Officer. She has also played a critical role in drafting hundreds of Emergency Management Directions, including the Quarantine (Closing the Border) Directions.

Ms Chivers’ significant contributions and dedication to the community of Western Australia have been exemplary.


Department of Finance

For outstanding public service to Western Australia through a range of roles.

Ms Godecke has provided dedicated service to Western Australia in her role as Commissioner of State Revenue.

Additionally, she has most recently been responsible for implementing key COVID-19 measures that have delivered over $800 million of new grants, rebates and temporary taxation relief to the WA community.

She has provided prompt, pragmatic and flexible outcomes that have delivered customer-focused solutions while ensuring robust integrity measures were upheld.

She adapted existing RevenueWA systems, created new teams, and provided timely advice to facilitate fit for purpose solutions which were often completed at very short notice.

Ms Godecke’s commitment to the community of Western Australia has been exemplary.

Kaylene Patricia GULICH PSM

Western Australia Treasury Corporation.

For outstanding public service to Western Australia through a range of roles.

Ms Gulich currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Western Australia Treasury Corporation.

Ms Gulich has actively volunteered to lead several key bodies of work in the Western Australian public sector that are outside the remit of her current role. These included leading the sale processes for the State Government’s land registry and TAB businesses and leading a functional review of a major State Government service delivery agency.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, during 2020 she also undertook a detailed analysis of the interactions between the infrastructure component of the State Government’s WA Recovery Plan and the workforce skills and capacity of local industry to deliver that infrastructure. She has also been involved in a number of agency committees that are not directly related to her role as CEO.

Ms Gulich’s has demonstrated an incredible commitment, passion, expertise and work ethic to go above and beyond to deliver good outcomes for the Western Australian public sector and the broader community.


Commander Allan Robert ADAMS

Detective Senior Sergeant Joseph Domenic MARRAPODI

Detective Inspector Leo RICCIARDI

Senior Constable Deslea Patricia SLOAN


Andrew John THOMPSON

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