26 September 2023

Public Advocate reports on risks to vulnerable

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The Public Advocate has issued a new report focusing on safeguarding adults at risk of harm, abuse and neglect.

Attorney-General, Shannon Fentiman tabled the report, Adult Safeguarding in Queensland, Volume 2: Reform Recommendations, in Parliament.

“I would like to thank the Public Advocate for the comprehensive work he has undertaken to deliver this report,” Ms Fentiman said.

“The Public Advocate has consulted widely, and has travelled throughout Queensland, including Townsville, Mt Isa, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Southport, Caloundra and Brisbane, to meet with relevant stakeholders.”

She also thanked “those dedicated professionals and people with lived experience of disability and dementia, as well as carers, who have participated in the roundtables to help inform the report’s recommendations”.

Minister for Seniors and Disability Services, Craig Crawford, also welcomed the report.

“The Government is committed to protecting vulnerable Queenslanders from abuse, neglect, or exploitation,” Mr Crawford said.

“The recommendations in the report respond to the often complex needs of at-risk adults.”

He said adults in need of care and support were those being abused or neglected, or at risk of abuse or neglect, who were unable to protect themselves.

“It’s important that we are always looking to improve how best to protect and support these people,” he said.

Ms Fentiman said protecting the safety, rights and wellbeing of this group of people could be complex due to multiple systems and Agencies often being involved.

“The Government will carefully consider the recommendations in the Public Advocate’s report and respond in due course,” she said.

The 71-page Reform can be accessed at this PS News link.

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