25 September 2023

PS transformation going well

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Singapore’s Minister of Finance, Heng Swee Keat (pictured) says the good policies and politics of his Government are helping transform the Public Service in preparation for major shifts, such as the rise of Asia and technological changes.

He said a “virtuous circle of good politics and good policies” consisted of the political leadership winning its mandate from people, based on the promise that the elected Government would make and implement good policies.

“That mandate is strengthened when political leaders guide and work with the public sector to deliver the policies,” Mr Heng told about 220 guests at the annual Administrative Service dinner.

“With a stronger mandate, the political leadership can better ensure the good politics that create the space for Public Servants to formulate good policies, which they must safeguard and strengthen.”

He said political leaders and PS employees shared the common cause of serving the public and nation-building, as well as a shared mutual trust.

“The politicians can trust the Civil Service to serve the Government of the day by formulating and implementing sound polices, while the Civil Service can also trust the politicians to put effort into winning and keeping the people’s trust so it can work with integrity,” Mr Heng said.

However, he cited an exchange he had as a PS staffer with the late founding Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.

Mr Heng told Mr Lee he enjoyed his work as a PS employee, as it could make a difference to people’s lives.

Mr Lee told him: “You are able to do the right things only because our politics is right.”

“Don’t take that for granted.”

Singapore, 4 April 2018

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